[HTML][HTML] Integrated fertilizers synergistically bolster temperate soybean growth, yield, and oil content
For ensuring food security and imparting sustainability to modern commercial-oriented and
highly intensive temperate farming systems, organic wastes from poultry and dairy industries …
highly intensive temperate farming systems, organic wastes from poultry and dairy industries …
Underutilized Grasses Production: New Evolving Perspectives
Globally, over-reliance on major food crops (wheat, rice and maize) has led to food basket's
shrinking, while climate change, environmental pollution and deteriorating soil fertility …
shrinking, while climate change, environmental pollution and deteriorating soil fertility …
Introductory Chapter: Grasslands Development-Green Ecological Economy and Ecosystem Services
MA Iqbal - Grasses and Grassland: New Perspectives, 2022 - books.google.com
Globally, grasslands known by the names of prairie, savanna, steppe, and pampas in
conjunction with rangeland occupy over 70% of the agricultural area of which 68% lies in the …
conjunction with rangeland occupy over 70% of the agricultural area of which 68% lies in the …
Grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) hybrids under different nitrogen fertilization regimes
Increasing nitrogen use efficiency in modern agriculture is important for obtaining high yields
and reducing production costs and environmental pollution. Globally, price reduction and …
and reducing production costs and environmental pollution. Globally, price reduction and …
[PDF][PDF] Foliar feeding of citric acid mitigates artificial urine and NaCl-induced saline stress in hydroponic sugar beets.
In lunar and deep-space farming, saline stress (SS) induced by human urine in
hydroponically grown vegetables constitutes one of the prime concerns in its utilization for …
hydroponically grown vegetables constitutes one of the prime concerns in its utilization for …
Soya (Glycine max. L. Merill)'da tuz uygulamasının fizyolojik ve biyokimyasal özellikler üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi
Salt stress is one of the important abiotic stress factors affecting crop productivity, especially
in arid and semi-arid regions, by affecting the growth of plants. These negative effects of salt …
in arid and semi-arid regions, by affecting the growth of plants. These negative effects of salt …
[PDF][PDF] Auswirkung von Komposttee auf das Wurzel-und Pflanzenwachstum von Rosenkohl
T Bässler - 2022 - digitalcollection.zhaw.ch
Der intensive Einsatz synthetischer Pflanzenschutzmittel und Düngemittel hat gravierende
Folgen für Agrarökosysteme. So kämpfen Landwirt: innen weltweit mit einer reduzierten …
Folgen für Agrarökosysteme. So kämpfen Landwirt: innen weltweit mit einer reduzierten …
Proximal canopy sensing of twenty-two bread wheat genotypes for nutritional quality, yield attributes and grain yield under Mediterranean climate
F Kızılgeçi, Z Cebeli - International Journal of Agriculture Environment and … - dergipark.org.tr
To ensure nutritional security of rapidly increasing population, research interest has
revitalized in determining the nutritional quality traits of staple food crops, especially wheat …
revitalized in determining the nutritional quality traits of staple food crops, especially wheat …