[HTML][HTML] Fracture initiation and propagation of supercritical carbon dioxide fracturing in calcite-rich shale: a coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical simulation
The initiation and propagation mechanisms of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO 2)
fracturing are more complex than those of hydraulic fracturing in calcite-rich shale due to the …
fracturing are more complex than those of hydraulic fracturing in calcite-rich shale due to the …
Effect of fracture characteristics on groundwater flow adjacent to high-level radioactive waste repository
In the study, a 2-D numerical model-delineating the high-level radioactive waste repository
surrounded by hosting granite-rock was designed to evaluate pressure build-up, elevated …
surrounded by hosting granite-rock was designed to evaluate pressure build-up, elevated …
[HTML][HTML] Multi-body dynamics model for spent nuclear fuel transportation system under normal transport test conditions
The transportation of spent nuclear fuel is an important process that involves road and sea
transport from an interim storage facility to storage and final disposal sites. As spent nuclear …
transport from an interim storage facility to storage and final disposal sites. As spent nuclear …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of saturation and erosion of compacted bentonite using electrical resistivity measurement: A numerical study
The hydraulic properties of compacted bentonite are critical for the performance of high-level
radioactive waste disposal systems. Conventional methods for monitoring saturation, such …
radioactive waste disposal systems. Conventional methods for monitoring saturation, such …
[HTML][HTML] Comparative analysis of modeling approaches for sulfide-induced corrosion of copper disposal canisters in a 3-dimensional domain
Copper canisters are commonly employed to contain HLW for the long-term, making it
crucial to understand how corrosion affects the canister. This study conducted a comparative …
crucial to understand how corrosion affects the canister. This study conducted a comparative …
Thermodynamics of Se (IV) Sorption Onto Ca-type Bentonil-WRK Montmorillonite
Se sorption onto Ca-type montmorillonite purified from Bentonil-WRK-a new research
bentonite introduced by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute-was examined under …
bentonite introduced by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute-was examined under …
[PDF][PDF] Comparison of numerical analysis methods of APro for the total system performance assessment of a geological disposal system
HH Cho, H Jang, DH Lee, JW Kim - 방사성폐기물학회지, 2023 - koreascience.kr
A geological disposal system is a multi-barrier system that consists of an engineered barrier
system (EBS) and a natural barrier system (NBS), in order to contain high-level radioactive …
system (EBS) and a natural barrier system (NBS), in order to contain high-level radioactive …
Mesh Stability Study for the Performance Assessment of a Deep Geological Repository Using APro
HH Cho, H Jang, DH Lee, JW Kim - Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle …, 2023 - koreascience.kr
APro, developed in KAERI for the process-based total system performance assessment
(TSPA) of deep geological disposal systems, performs finite element method (FEM)-based …
(TSPA) of deep geological disposal systems, performs finite element method (FEM)-based …
[PDF][PDF] Improvement on Coupling Technique Between COMSOL and PHREEQC for the Reactive Transport Simulation
In the geological disposal system consisting of engineered barrier and natural barrier for
radioactive wastes, various processes such should be considered to assess the …
radioactive wastes, various processes such should be considered to assess the …
Two-region 모델을 활용한 벤토나이트 완충재의 장기 침식 정량화 모델 개발 및 완충재 물성 열화 평가
이재원, 김수빈, 김정우 - 터널과 지하공간, 2024 - dbpia.co.kr
벤토나이트는 고준위방사성폐기물의 심층처분에서 완충재로 사용되며, 뛰어난 팽윤 능력과
낮은 투수율로 방사성 핵종의 이동을 효과적으로 차단한다. 하지만 장기적으로 팽윤 및 지하수 …
낮은 투수율로 방사성 핵종의 이동을 효과적으로 차단한다. 하지만 장기적으로 팽윤 및 지하수 …