Tree species map** in tropical forests using hyperspectral remote sensing and machine learning
Tree species-level information is essential for effective forest management, conservation,
policy development, and utilization. The availability of hyperspectral data creates new …
policy development, and utilization. The availability of hyperspectral data creates new …
Forest canopy height estimation using satellite laser altimetry: a case study in the Western Ghats, India
Canopy height is a crucial metric required to quantify the aboveground plant biomass
accurately. The study explores the data derived using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) …
accurately. The study explores the data derived using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) …
[PDF][PDF] Ethno-mycological survey and molecular identification of mushrooms in the Shimoga region of the Western Ghats of Karnataka (India)
DB Santhosh, K Nandini… - Journal of Pure and …, 2016 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Shimoga region of Western Ghats is one of the richest biodiversity hotspots in India, which
receives an average rainfall of 2869 mm and provides congenial atmosphere for …
receives an average rainfall of 2869 mm and provides congenial atmosphere for …
[PDF][PDF] Map** Tree Species Richness of Tropical Forset using Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
A Badola - 2019 - essay.utwente.nl
The information regarding tree species in tropical forest is of high priority for the effective
forest management, conservation, utilization and policy development. The Remote sensing …
forest management, conservation, utilization and policy development. The Remote sensing …
Large carpenter bees, Xylocopa from central western ghats of India: taxonomic notes on subgenus Koptortosoma (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Xylocopinae)
C Prashantha, VV Belavadi - Oriental Insects, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The large carpenter bees, Xylocopa subgenus Koptortosoma occurring in central Western
Ghats of India are reviewed. The three species recognized under this subgenus in this …
Ghats of India are reviewed. The three species recognized under this subgenus in this …
[PDF][PDF] Sacred Groves (Kan forests) of Sagara Taluk, Shimoga District
TV Ramachandra, MD Subash Chandran… - Sahyadri …, 2016 - researchgate.net
Most human societies, in the course of millennia of social and cultural evolution, had
evolved a variety of regulatory measures to ensure sustainable utilization of natural …
evolved a variety of regulatory measures to ensure sustainable utilization of natural …
[PDF][PDF] Climate Change-A Regional Scale Case Study on Meteorological Parameters
LU Simha - IMPACT OF GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES ON …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Climate change is the order of the day topic of discussion throughout the world. The
researchers are develo** conceptual models to analyse change in the climate on global …
researchers are develo** conceptual models to analyse change in the climate on global …
[PDF][PDF] A New Mushroom species Tricholosporum purpureolilacinus Recorded from Western Ghats of Karnataka
DB Santhosh, C Anilkumar, D Akash… - Int. J. Pure App …, 2017 - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT Western Ghats of Karnataka is one of the richest biodiversity hotspot in India. In
the present study, a new mushroom species in the Genus Tricholosporum, collected from …
the present study, a new mushroom species in the Genus Tricholosporum, collected from …
R Silviculture - Forest, 2017