Testing configuration changes in context to prevent production failures
Large-scale cloud services deploy hundreds of configuration changes to production systems
daily. At such velocity, configuration changes have inevitably become prevalent causes of …
daily. At such velocity, configuration changes have inevitably become prevalent causes of …
Understanding and discovering software configuration dependencies in cloud and datacenter systems
A large percentage of real-world software configuration issues, such as misconfigurations,
involve multiple interdependent configuration parameters. However, existing techniques and …
involve multiple interdependent configuration parameters. However, existing techniques and …
Configuration validation with large language models
Misconfigurations are major causes of software failures. Existing practices rely on developer-
written rules or test cases to validate configurations, which are expensive. Machine learning …
written rules or test cases to validate configurations, which are expensive. Machine learning …
Test-case prioritization for configuration testing
Configuration changes are among the dominant causes of failures of large-scale software
system deployment. Given the velocity of configuration changes, typically at the scale of …
system deployment. Given the velocity of configuration changes, typically at the scale of …
Static detection of silent misconfigurations with deep interaction analysis
The behavior of large systems is guided by their configurations: users set parameters in the
configuration file to dictate which corresponding part of the system code is executed …
configuration file to dictate which corresponding part of the system code is executed …
An evolutionary study of configuration design and implementation in cloud systems
Many techniques were proposed for detecting software misconfigurations in cloud systems
and for diagnosing unintended behavior caused by such misconfigurations. Detection and …
and for diagnosing unintended behavior caused by such misconfigurations. Detection and …
Ecfuzz: Effective configuration fuzzing for large-scale systems
A large-scale system contains a huge configuration space because of its large number of
configuration parameters. This leads to a combination explosion among configuration …
configuration parameters. This leads to a combination explosion among configuration …
Large language models based automatic synthesis of software specifications
Software configurations play a crucial role in determining the behavior of software systems.
In order to ensure safe and error-free operation, it is necessary to identify the correct …
In order to ensure safe and error-free operation, it is necessary to identify the correct …
An empirical study on change-induced incidents of online service systems
Although dedicated efforts have been devoted to ensuring the service quality of online
service systems, these systems are still suffering from incidents due to various causes, which …
service systems, these systems are still suffering from incidents due to various causes, which …
Faster configuration performance bug testing with neural dual-level prioritization
As software systems become more complex and configurable, more performance problems
tend to arise from the configuration designs. This has caused some configuration options to …
tend to arise from the configuration designs. This has caused some configuration options to …