Density‐dependent effects on salmonid populations: A review

GD Grossman, TN Simon - Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
We reviewed 199 published data sets (21 species) to assess the relative frequency of
various density‐dependent processes in salmonids. We examined studies for the presence …

How does habitat restoration influence resilience of salmon populations to climate change?

TJ Beechie, C Fogel, C Nicol, J Jorgensen… - …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
A pressing question for managing recovery of depressed or declining species is: Can habitat
restoration increase resilience to climate change? We addressed this question for salmon …

Marine and freshwater regime changes impact a community of migratory Pacific salmonids in decline

KL Wilson, CJ Bailey, TD Davies… - Global Change …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Marine and freshwater ecosystems are increasingly at risk of large and cascading changes
from multiple human activities (termed “regime shifts”), which can impact population …

Temperature, emergence phenology and consumption drive seasonal shifts in fish growth and production across riverscapes

MJ Kaylor, C Justice, JB Armstrong… - Journal of Animal …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Changes in biophysical conditions through time generate spatial and temporal
variability in habitat quality across landscapes. For river ecosystems, researchers are …

Estimating the benefits of widespread floodplain reconnection for Columbia River Chinook salmon

MH Bond, TG Nodine, TJ Beechie… - Canadian Journal of …, 2019 -
In the Pacific Northwest, widespread stream channel simplification has led to a loss of
habitat area and diversity for rearing salmon. Subsequent efforts throughout the Columbia …

Wetland loss, juvenile salmon foraging performance, and density dependence in Pacific Northwest estuaries

AT David, CA Simenstad, JR Cordell, JD Toft… - Estuaries and …, 2016 - Springer
During the transition of juveniles from fresh water to estuarine and coastal environments, the
survival of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) can be strongly size selective and cohort …

The role of spatial structure in at‐risk metapopulation recoveries

KL Wilson, AC Sawyer, A Potapova… - Ecological …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Metapopulations are often managed as a single contiguous population despite the spatial
structure underlying their local and regional dynamics. Disturbances from human activities …

Spatial variation buffers temporal fluctuations in early juvenile survival for an endangered P acific salmon

JT Thorson, MD Scheuerell, ER Buhle… - Journal of Animal …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Spatial, phenotypic and genetic diversity at relatively small scales can buffer species against
large‐scale processes such as climate change that tend to synchronize populations and …

The importance of juvenile migration tactics to adult recruitment in stream-type Chinook salmon populations

T Copeland, DA Venditti, BR Barnett - Transactions of the American …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
The existence of multiple migration tactics within a population has been observed for several
fish species, and they may contribute differentially to adult recruitment. Relative contribution …

Effects of hatchery supplementation on abundance and productivity of natural-origin Chinook salmon: two decades of evaluation and implications for conservation …

DA Venditti, RN Kinzer, KA Apperson… - Canadian Journal of …, 2018 -
Hatchery supplementation has been developed to conserve salmonid populations and
provide fisheries. We evaluated supplemented and reference Chinook salmon …