Unexpected event during survey design: Promise and pitfalls for causal inference
An increasing number of studies exploit the occurrence of unexpected events during the
fieldwork of public opinion surveys to estimate causal effects. In this paper, we discuss the …
fieldwork of public opinion surveys to estimate causal effects. In this paper, we discuss the …
[KNYGA][B] Survey-interviews
R Schnell - 2012 - Springer
Rainer Schnell Methoden standardisierter Befragungen 2. Auflage Page 1 SurveyInterviews
Rainer Schnell Methoden standardisierter Befragungen 2. Auflage Studienskripten zur …
Rainer Schnell Methoden standardisierter Befragungen 2. Auflage Studienskripten zur …
[PDF][PDF] Indicators for the representativeness of survey response
B Schouten, F Cobben, J Bethlehem - Survey methodology, 2009 - researchgate.net
Many survey organisations focus on the response rate as being the quality indicator for the
impact of non-response bias. As a consequence, they implement a variety of measures to …
impact of non-response bias. As a consequence, they implement a variety of measures to …
The impact of health literacy, patient-centered communication and shared decision-making on patients' satisfaction with care received in German primary care …
SV Altin, S Stock - BMC health services research, 2016 - Springer
Background Findings on the association between health literacy skills and patient-reported
outcomes such as satisfaction with health care delivery are scarce. We explored the extent …
outcomes such as satisfaction with health care delivery are scarce. We explored the extent …
[KNYGA][B] Improving survey response: Lessons learned from the European Social Survey
High response rates have traditionally been considered as one of the main indicators of
survey quality. Obtaining high response rates is sometimes difficult and expensive, but …
survey quality. Obtaining high response rates is sometimes difficult and expensive, but …
[KNYGA][B] The hunt for the last respondent: Nonresponse in sample surveys
IAL Stoop - 2005 - books.google.com
Non-response in sample surveys can have serious consequences on the accuracy of survey
results. This study shows how high response rates can be achieved, even in the …
results. This study shows how high response rates can be achieved, even in the …
An empirical study of the antecedents for radical product innovations and capabilities for transformation
A Herrmann, O Gassmann, U Eisert - Journal of Engineering and …, 2007 - Elsevier
Products of a completely new kind have the potential to seriously change the balance of
power in existing markets or even to create new markets. But what factors favor radical …
power in existing markets or even to create new markets. But what factors favor radical …
Environmental management: A study of Vietnamese hotels
The objective of this study was to identify factors influencing the intentions of Vietnamese
hotel businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices. This was approached from the …
hotel businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices. This was approached from the …
[KNYGA][B] Handbook of ethics in quantitative methodology
AT Panter - 2011 - books.google.com
This comprehensive Handbook is the first to provide a practical, interdisciplinary review of
ethical issues as they relate to quantitative methodology including how to present evidence …
ethical issues as they relate to quantitative methodology including how to present evidence …
Cultural attitudes are stronger predictors of bushmeat consumption and preference than economic factors among urban Amazonians from Brazil and Colombia
Bushmeat consumption persists in urban areas in the Neotropics, yet knowledge of its scale
and the relative importance of cultural and economic factors in determining consumption …
and the relative importance of cultural and economic factors in determining consumption …