[HTML][HTML] Analytic integrability around a nilpotent singularity

A Algaba, C García, J Giné - Journal of Differential Equations, 2019 - Elsevier
In this work it is characterized the analytic integrability problem around a nilpotent singularity
of a differential system in the plane under generic conditions.

Local integrability and linearizability of three-dimensional Lotka–Volterra systems

W Aziz, C Christopher - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012 - Elsevier
We investigate the local integrability and linearizability of three dimensional Lotka–Volterra
equations at the origin. Necessary and sufficient conditions for both integrability and …

[HTML][HTML] Bi-center problem for some classes of Z2-equivariant systems

VG Romanovski, W Fernandes, R Oliveira - Journal of Computational and …, 2017 - Elsevier
We investigate the simultaneous existence of two centers and their isochronicity for two
families of planar Z 2-equivariant differential systems. First, for a family studied by Liu and Li …

Integrability conditions for Lotka-Volterra planar complex quartic systems having homogeneous nonlinearities

B Ferčec, J Giné, Y Liu, VG Romanovski - Acta applicandae mathematicae, 2013 - Springer
In this paper we investigate the integrability problem for the two-dimensional Lotka-Volterra
complex quartic systems which are linear systems perturbed by fourth degree homogeneous …

Blow-up method to compute necessary conditions of integrability for planar differential systems

B Ferčec, J Giné - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019 - Elsevier
We provide a method to compute the necessary conditions of integrability for planar
differential systems with a weak saddle at the origin. The method is used to characterize the …

Higher order limit cycle bifurcations from non-degenerate centers

J Giné - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012 - Elsevier
The computational problems which appear in the computation of the Poincaré–Liapunov
constants and the determination of their functionally independent number has led in recent …

[PDF][PDF] A blow-up method to prove formal integrability for some planar differential systems

B Fercec, J Giné - 2018 - repositori.udl.cat
In this work we provide an effective method to prove the formal integrability of the resonant
saddles. The method is based on the use of a blow-up and the resolution of a recurrence …

[PDF][PDF] The center problem and the composition condition for a family of quartic differential systems

Z Zhou, V Romanovski - Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of …, 2018 - emis.de
The center problem and the composition condition for a family of quartic differential systems
Page 1 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2018, No. 15, 1–17; …

[PDF][PDF] Bifurcation of critical periods of a quintic system

VG Romanovski, M Han, W Huang - 2018 - digital.library.txstate.edu
system of ordinary differential equations on R2 o Page 1 Electronic Journal of Differential …

[HTML][HTML] The center problem for a 1:− 4 resonant quadratic system

B Ferčec, J Giné, M Mencinger, R Oliveira - Journal of Mathematical …, 2014 - Elsevier
The main objective of this paper is to find necessary and sufficient conditions for a 1:− 4
resonant system of the form x˙= x− a 10 x 2− a 01 xy− a 12 y 2, y˙=− 4 y+ b 2,− 1 x 2+ b 10 x …