Predictors of outcomes in autism early intervention: why don't we know more?
Response to early intervention programs in autism is variable. However, the factors
associated with positive versus poor treatment outcomes remain unknown. Hence the issue …
associated with positive versus poor treatment outcomes remain unknown. Hence the issue …
Children's language learning: An interactionist perspective
RS Chapman - The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and …, 2000 -
This review of children's language learning considers historical accounts of acquisition and
individual variation, recent advances in methods for studying language learning, research …
individual variation, recent advances in methods for studying language learning, research …
[KNJIGA][B] Children with hearing loss: Develo** listening and talking, birth to six
EB Cole, C Flexer - 2019 -
The fourth edition of Children With Hearing Loss: Develo** Listening and Talking, Birth to
Six is a dynamic compilation of important information for the facilitation of spoken language …
Six is a dynamic compilation of important information for the facilitation of spoken language …
Types of parent verbal responsiveness that predict language in young children with autism spectrum disorder
A McDuffie, P Yoder - 2010 -
Purpose This study examined short-term predictive associations between 5 different types of
parent verbal responsiveness and later spoken vocabulary for 32 young children with a …
parent verbal responsiveness and later spoken vocabulary for 32 young children with a …
[KNJIGA][B] Handbook of school-family partnerships
S Christenson, AL Reschly - 2010 -
Although schools are the institution formally charged with educating our nation's youth, the
role of families and the home environment in students' development and academic …
role of families and the home environment in students' development and academic …
Effects of prelinguistic milieu teaching and parent responsivity education on dyads involving children with intellectual disabilities
This study tested the effect of a method of facilitating prelinguistic communication on parents'
responsivity and children's communication and productive language development. The …
responsivity and children's communication and productive language development. The …
A randomized comparison of the effect of two prelinguistic communication interventions on the acquisition of spoken communication in preschoolers with ASD
Purpose This randomized group experiment compared the efficacy of 2 communication
interventions (Responsive Education and Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching [RPMT] and the …
interventions (Responsive Education and Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching [RPMT] and the …
The role of maternal responsivity in the development of children with intellectual disabilities
There is growing evidence that cumulative exposure to highly responsive parenting styles
throughout the early childhood period may provide a variety of important child benefits in …
throughout the early childhood period may provide a variety of important child benefits in …
Promoting joint attention in toddlers with autism: A parent-mediated developmental model
HH Schertz, SL Odom - Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 2007 - Springer
Joint attention, a foundational nonverbal social-communicative milestone that fails to
develop naturally in autism, was promoted for three toddlers with early-identified autism …
develop naturally in autism, was promoted for three toddlers with early-identified autism …
Randomized comparison of two communication interventions for preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders.
This randomized group experiment compared the efficacy of 2 communication interventions
(Responsive Education and Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching [RPMT] and the Picture Exchange …
(Responsive Education and Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching [RPMT] and the Picture Exchange …