The reptilian perspective on vertebrate immunity: 10 years of progress
LM Zimmerman - Journal of Experimental Biology, 2020 -
Ten years ago,'Understanding the vertebrate immune system: insights from the reptilian
perspective'was published. At the time, our understanding of the reptilian immune system …
perspective'was published. At the time, our understanding of the reptilian immune system …
Gut microbiome–immune system interaction in reptiles
Reptiles are ectothermic amniotes in a world dominated by endotherms. Reptiles originated
more than 300 million years ago and they often dwell in polluted environments which may …
more than 300 million years ago and they often dwell in polluted environments which may …
Essential fragmentation metrics for agricultural policies: Linking landscape pattern, ecosystem service and land use management in urbanizing China
L Wei, Y Luo, M Wang, S Su, J Pi, G Li - Agricultural systems, 2020 - Elsevier
Fragmentation, as one of the most distinct characteristics of agricultural landscapes
worldwide, has resulted in a diversity of ecological consequences. It remains as a gap in the …
worldwide, has resulted in a diversity of ecological consequences. It remains as a gap in the …
The magnitude of roadkill in Taiwan: Patterns and consequences revealed by citizen science
K Chyn, TE Lin, YK Chen, CY Chen… - Biological Conservation, 2019 - Elsevier
Roadkill is among the most severe and insidious causes of impoverishment of vertebrate
populations. As large roadkill databases develop, inferences from roadkill data can inform …
populations. As large roadkill databases develop, inferences from roadkill data can inform …
A systematic review of snake translocations to identify potential tactics for reducing postrelease effects
Advancements in the field of reintroduction biology are needed, but understanding of how to
effectively conduct translocations, particularly with snakes, is lacking. We conducted a …
effectively conduct translocations, particularly with snakes, is lacking. We conducted a …
Genetic and demographic consequences of range contraction patterns during biological annihilation
Species range contractions both contribute to, and result from, biological annihilation, yet do
not receive the same attention as extinctions. Range contractions can lead to marked …
not receive the same attention as extinctions. Range contractions can lead to marked …
Environmental DNA is effective in detecting the federally threatened Louisiana Pinesnake (Pituophis ruthveni)
Successful conservation of rare, threatened, or endangered (RTE) species is dependent
upon rapid and accurate assessment of their distribution and abundance. However …
upon rapid and accurate assessment of their distribution and abundance. However …
Social security: can rattlesnakes reduce acute stress through social buffering?
Social buffering comprises the reduction of stress an organism experiences when in the
presence of a companion and has been well documented in highly social animals, such as …
presence of a companion and has been well documented in highly social animals, such as …
Looking at the past to infer into the future: Thermal traits track environmental change in Liolaemidae
NR Ibargüengoytía, M Medina, A Laspiur, YF Qu… - …, 2021 -
The diversity of habitats generated by the Andes uplift resulted a mosaic of heterogeneous
environments in South America for species to evolve a variety of ecological and …
environments in South America for species to evolve a variety of ecological and …
Ecological corridors for the amphibians and reptiles in the Natura 2000 sites of Romania
Landscape heterogeneity and fragmentation are key challenges for biodiversity
conservation. As Earth's landscape is increasingly dominated by anthropogenic land use, it …
conservation. As Earth's landscape is increasingly dominated by anthropogenic land use, it …