The reptilian perspective on vertebrate immunity: 10 years of progress

LM Zimmerman - Journal of Experimental Biology, 2020 -
Ten years ago,'Understanding the vertebrate immune system: insights from the reptilian
perspective'was published. At the time, our understanding of the reptilian immune system …

Gut microbiome–immune system interaction in reptiles

R Siddiqui, SK Maciver, NA Khan - Journal of Applied …, 2022 -
Reptiles are ectothermic amniotes in a world dominated by endotherms. Reptiles originated
more than 300 million years ago and they often dwell in polluted environments which may …

Essential fragmentation metrics for agricultural policies: Linking landscape pattern, ecosystem service and land use management in urbanizing China

L Wei, Y Luo, M Wang, S Su, J Pi, G Li - Agricultural systems, 2020 - Elsevier
Fragmentation, as one of the most distinct characteristics of agricultural landscapes
worldwide, has resulted in a diversity of ecological consequences. It remains as a gap in the …

The magnitude of roadkill in Taiwan: Patterns and consequences revealed by citizen science

K Chyn, TE Lin, YK Chen, CY Chen… - Biological Conservation, 2019 - Elsevier
Roadkill is among the most severe and insidious causes of impoverishment of vertebrate
populations. As large roadkill databases develop, inferences from roadkill data can inform …

A systematic review of snake translocations to identify potential tactics for reducing postrelease effects

JD Choquette, JD Litzgus, JXY Gui… - Conservation …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Advancements in the field of reintroduction biology are needed, but understanding of how to
effectively conduct translocations, particularly with snakes, is lacking. We conducted a …

Genetic and demographic consequences of range contraction patterns during biological annihilation

JE Rogan, MR Parker, ZB Hancock, AD Earl… - Scientific Reports, 2023 -
Species range contractions both contribute to, and result from, biological annihilation, yet do
not receive the same attention as extinctions. Range contractions can lead to marked …

Environmental DNA is effective in detecting the federally threatened Louisiana Pinesnake (Pituophis ruthveni)

AD Katz, LR Harper, EC Sternhagen… - Environmental …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Successful conservation of rare, threatened, or endangered (RTE) species is dependent
upon rapid and accurate assessment of their distribution and abundance. However …

Social security: can rattlesnakes reduce acute stress through social buffering?

CE Martin, GA Fox, BJ Putman, WK Hayes - Frontiers in Ethology, 2023 -
Social buffering comprises the reduction of stress an organism experiences when in the
presence of a companion and has been well documented in highly social animals, such as …

Looking at the past to infer into the future: Thermal traits track environmental change in Liolaemidae

NR Ibargüengoytía, M Medina, A Laspiur, YF Qu… - …, 2021 -
The diversity of habitats generated by the Andes uplift resulted a mosaic of heterogeneous
environments in South America for species to evolve a variety of ecological and …

Ecological corridors for the amphibians and reptiles in the Natura 2000 sites of Romania

TC Sahlean, M Papeș, A Strugariu, I Gherghel - Scientific Reports, 2020 -
Landscape heterogeneity and fragmentation are key challenges for biodiversity
conservation. As Earth's landscape is increasingly dominated by anthropogenic land use, it …