Big data semantics

P Ceravolo, A Azzini, M Angelini, T Catarci… - Journal on Data …, 2018 - Springer
Big Data technology has discarded traditional data modeling approaches as no longer
applicable to distributed data processing. It is, however, largely recognized that Big Data …

A systematic overview of data federation systems

Z Gu, F Corcoglioniti, D Lanti, A Mosca… - Semantic …, 2024 -
Data federation addresses the problem of uniformly accessing multiple, possibly
heterogeneous data sources, by map** them into a unified schema, such as an RDF …

A call to arms: revisiting database design

A Badia, D Lemire - ACM SIGMOD Record, 2011 -
Good database design is crucial to obtain a sound, consistent database, and—in turn—good
database design methodologies are the best way to achieve the right design. These …

ETL best practices for data quality checks in RIS databases

O Azeroual, G Saake, M Abuosba - Informatics, 2019 -
The topic of data integration from external data sources or independent IT-systems has
received increasing attention recently in IT departments as well as at management level, in …

Supporting chronic disease care quality: design and implementation of a health service and its integration with electronic health records

A Sunyaev, D Chornyi - Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ), 2012 -
Chronic medical conditions take a huge toll on lives of a growing number of people and are
a major contributor to the rising costs in healthcare. As patients are increasingly willing to …

Repurposing and probabilistic integration of data

B Wanders - 2016 -
Besides the scientific paradigms of empiricism, mathematical modelling, and simulation, the
method of combining and analysing data in novel ways has become a main research …

Estimating the impact of unknown unknowns on aggregate query results

Y Chung, ML Mortensen, C Binnig… - ACM Transactions on …, 2018 -
It is common practice for data scientists to acquire and integrate disparate data sources to
achieve higher quality results. But even with a perfectly cleaned and merged data set, two …

Multi-source spatial entity linkage

S Isaj, E Zimányi, TB Pedersen - … of the 16th International Symposium on …, 2019 -
Besides the traditional cartographic data sources, spatial information can also be derived
from location-based sources. Location-based sources offer rich spatial information …

[PDF][PDF] The uncertain web: concepts, challenges, and current solutions

D Benslimane, QZ Sheng, M Barhamgi… - ACM Transactions on …, 2015 -
Uncertainty, incompleteness, and imprecision are common characteristics of the data and
knowledge that we daily deal with in a wide range of domains and applications. Uncertainty …

Capturing the value of information in complex military environments: A fuzzy-based approach

RJ Hammell, T Hanratty… - 2012 IEEE International …, 2012 -
Today's military operations require information from an unprecedented number of sources
resulting in an overwhelming volume of collected data. A primary challenge for military …