The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function
The leaf economics spectrum, and the global spectrum of plant forms and functions revealed
fundamental axes of variation in plant traits, which represent different ecological strategies …
fundamental axes of variation in plant traits, which represent different ecological strategies …
Fluxes of water, sediments, and biogeochemical compounds in salt marshes
Tidal oscillations systematically flood salt marshes, transporting water, sediments, organic
matter, and biogeochemical elements such as silica. Here we present a review of recent …
matter, and biogeochemical elements such as silica. Here we present a review of recent …
Measuring fluxes of trace gases and energy between ecosystems and the atmosphere–the state and future of the eddy covariance method
D Baldocchi - Global change biology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The application of the eddy covariance flux method to measure fluxes of trace gas and
energy between ecosystems and the atmosphere has exploded over the past 25 years. This …
energy between ecosystems and the atmosphere has exploded over the past 25 years. This …
A data-driven analysis of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites: The role of landscape scale heterogeneity
The energy balance at most surface-atmosphere flux research sites remains unclosed. The
mechanisms underlying the discrepancy between measured energy inputs and outputs …
mechanisms underlying the discrepancy between measured energy inputs and outputs …
Separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and respiration using a light response curve approach: critical issues and global evaluation
The measured net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 between the ecosystem and the
atmosphere reflects the balance between gross CO2 assimilation [gross primary production …
atmosphere reflects the balance between gross CO2 assimilation [gross primary production …
'Breathing'of the terrestrial biosphere: lessons learned from a global network of carbon dioxide flux measurement systems
D Baldocchi - Australian Journal of Botany, 2008 - CSIRO Publishing
Published eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange between
vegetation and the atmosphere from a global network are distilled, synthesised and …
vegetation and the atmosphere from a global network are distilled, synthesised and …
A continuous satellite‐derived global record of land surface evapotranspiration from 1983 to 2006
We applied a satellite remote sensing–based evapotranspiration (ET) algorithm to assess
global terrestrial ET from 1983 to 2006. The algorithm quantifies canopy transpiration and …
global terrestrial ET from 1983 to 2006. The algorithm quantifies canopy transpiration and …
Joint control of terrestrial gross primary productivity by plant phenology and physiology
Terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP) varies greatly over time and space. A better
understanding of this variability is necessary for more accurate predictions of the future …
understanding of this variability is necessary for more accurate predictions of the future …
Blue carbon benefits from global saltmarsh restoration
Coastal saltmarshes are found globally, yet are 25%–50% reduced compared with their
historical cover. Restoration is incentivised by the promise that marshes are efficient storers …
historical cover. Restoration is incentivised by the promise that marshes are efficient storers …
Consistency between sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and gross primary production of vegetation in North America
Accurate estimation of the gross primary production (GPP) of terrestrial ecosystems is vital
for a better understanding of the spatial-temporal patterns of the global carbon cycle. In this …
for a better understanding of the spatial-temporal patterns of the global carbon cycle. In this …