Advances in the study of giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis): ecology, behavior, and conservation: a review
N Duplaix, E Evangelista… - Latin American Journal of …, 2015 -
Giant otters, once targeted by the pelt trade to near extinction, are now legally protected and
have made a comeback in some parts of their range. Our state of knowledge about the …
have made a comeback in some parts of their range. Our state of knowledge about the …
Conservation of Amazonian aquatic mammals
S Brum, P Rosas‐Ribeiro, RS Amaral… - Aquatic …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Aquatic mammals worldwide are highly threatened in freshwater ecosystems where they are
affected by direct human activities (eg hunting) as well as indirect human alteration of …
affected by direct human activities (eg hunting) as well as indirect human alteration of …
Giant otter population responses to habitat expansion and degradation induced by a mega hydroelectric dam
Large hydroelectric dams are major drivers of habitat loss and degradation in lowland
Amazonia. Hydroelectric reservoirs reduce the habitat available for terrestrial species, but …
Amazonia. Hydroelectric reservoirs reduce the habitat available for terrestrial species, but …
Microbial food-web drivers in tropical reservoirs
Element cycling in aquatic systems is driven chiefly by planktonic processes, and the
structure of the planktonic food web determines the efficiency of carbon transfer through …
structure of the planktonic food web determines the efficiency of carbon transfer through …
Feeding habits of giant otters Pteronura brasiliensis (Carnivora: Mustelidae) in the Balbina hydroelectric reservoir, Central Brazilian Amazon
This study aimed to identify the diet of giant otters, Pteronura brasiliensis (Zimmermann,
1780) in the Balbina reservoir (01º55'S, 59º29'W), to compare it with literature data on the …
1780) in the Balbina reservoir (01º55'S, 59º29'W), to compare it with literature data on the …
Pteronura brasiliensis (Carnivora: Mustelidae)
P Noonan, S Prout, V Hayssen - Mammalian Species, 2017 -
Pteronura brasiliensis, the giant otter, is the largest freshwater otter. Found in South
America, it inhabits slow-moving rivers and creeks and feeds predominantly on fish. Extinct …
America, it inhabits slow-moving rivers and creeks and feeds predominantly on fish. Extinct …
Large-Scale Land-Use Changes and the Amazonian Mammal Biota
Large-scale land-use changes have rapidly emerged as drivers of degradation of the
Amazonian mammal biota. Land-use changes resulting from infrastructure development (eg …
Amazonian mammal biota. Land-use changes resulting from infrastructure development (eg …
Factors determining occupancy and habitat use by Asian small-clawed otters in the Western Ghats, India
We examined patterns of habitat occupancy and intensity of habitat use by Asian small-
clawed otters (Aonyx cinerea) by sampling 59 hill stream segments in the Western Ghats …
clawed otters (Aonyx cinerea) by sampling 59 hill stream segments in the Western Ghats …
Genetic diversity and population structure in the endangered giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis
RSA Pickles, JJ Groombridge, VDZ Rojas… - Conservation …, 2012 - Springer
We assessed levels of genetic diversity and investigated patterns of population structure in
three remnant populations of the endangered giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis, using …
three remnant populations of the endangered giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis, using …
Reconstructing the historical distribution and local extinction of the giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis in the Atlantic Forest of South America
GST Garbino, S Siciliano… - Aquatic conservation …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Quantifying the distribution of an endangered species in space and time is crucial for
planning management and conservation actions. The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is …
planning management and conservation actions. The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is …