Advances in the study of giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis): ecology, behavior, and conservation: a review

N Duplaix, E Evangelista… - Latin American Journal of …, 2015 -
Giant otters, once targeted by the pelt trade to near extinction, are now legally protected and
have made a comeback in some parts of their range. Our state of knowledge about the …

Conservation of Amazonian aquatic mammals

S Brum, P Rosas‐Ribeiro, RS Amaral… - Aquatic …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Aquatic mammals worldwide are highly threatened in freshwater ecosystems where they are
affected by direct human activities (eg hunting) as well as indirect human alteration of …

Giant otter population responses to habitat expansion and degradation induced by a mega hydroelectric dam

AF Palmeirim, CA Peres, FCW Rosas - Biological Conservation, 2014 - Elsevier
Large hydroelectric dams are major drivers of habitat loss and degradation in lowland
Amazonia. Hydroelectric reservoirs reduce the habitat available for terrestrial species, but …

Microbial food-web drivers in tropical reservoirs

CD Domingues, LHS da Silva, LM Rangel… - Microbial Ecology, 2017 - Springer
Element cycling in aquatic systems is driven chiefly by planktonic processes, and the
structure of the planktonic food web determines the efficiency of carbon transfer through …

Feeding habits of giant otters Pteronura brasiliensis (Carnivora: Mustelidae) in the Balbina hydroelectric reservoir, Central Brazilian Amazon

MMM Cabral, J Zuanon, GE de Mattos… - Zoologia (Curitiba …, 2010 - SciELO Brasil
This study aimed to identify the diet of giant otters, Pteronura brasiliensis (Zimmermann,
1780) in the Balbina reservoir (01º55'S, 59º29'W), to compare it with literature data on the …

Pteronura brasiliensis (Carnivora: Mustelidae)

P Noonan, S Prout, V Hayssen - Mammalian Species, 2017 -
Pteronura brasiliensis, the giant otter, is the largest freshwater otter. Found in South
America, it inhabits slow-moving rivers and creeks and feeds predominantly on fish. Extinct …

Large-Scale Land-Use Changes and the Amazonian Mammal Biota

F Michalski, D Norris - Amazonian Mammals: Current Knowledge and …, 2024 - Springer
Large-scale land-use changes have rapidly emerged as drivers of degradation of the
Amazonian mammal biota. Land-use changes resulting from infrastructure development (eg …

Factors determining occupancy and habitat use by Asian small-clawed otters in the Western Ghats, India

A Perinchery, D Jathanna, A Kumar - Journal of Mammalogy, 2011 -
We examined patterns of habitat occupancy and intensity of habitat use by Asian small-
clawed otters (Aonyx cinerea) by sampling 59 hill stream segments in the Western Ghats …

Genetic diversity and population structure in the endangered giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis

RSA Pickles, JJ Groombridge, VDZ Rojas… - Conservation …, 2012 - Springer
We assessed levels of genetic diversity and investigated patterns of population structure in
three remnant populations of the endangered giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis, using …

Reconstructing the historical distribution and local extinction of the giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis in the Atlantic Forest of South America

GST Garbino, S Siciliano… - Aquatic conservation …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Quantifying the distribution of an endangered species in space and time is crucial for
planning management and conservation actions. The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is …