Where is the peri-urban? A systematic review of peri-urban research and approaches for its identification and demarcation worldwide
Metropolitan areas worldwide have grown rapidly and are usually surrounded by peri-urban
zones that are neither urban nor rural. Despite widespread use of the term 'peri-urban' …
zones that are neither urban nor rural. Despite widespread use of the term 'peri-urban' …
[HTML][HTML] Residents' perceptions of ecosystem services in an urbanizing basin: A case study in the Guanting Reservoir basin, China
Understanding stakeholders' differences in perceptions of ecosystem services (ES) is crucial
for guiding ecological conservation and planning. However, the variations of ES perception …
for guiding ecological conservation and planning. However, the variations of ES perception …
Dynamics of land use and land cover change in peri urban area of Burdwan city, India: a remote sensing and GIS based approach
Peri-urban area around a city is a dynamic zone that undergoes considerable changes over
time in terms of its functional land use. Analogous to other Indian cities, these changes are …
time in terms of its functional land use. Analogous to other Indian cities, these changes are …
A Geospatial Model of Periurbanization—The Case of Three Intermediate-Sized and Subregional Cities in Chile
GF Ubilla-Bravo - Land, 2024 - mdpi.com
Throughout the 20th century and in the first decades of the 21st century, the geospatial
dynamic exhibiting the highest rate of change globally corresponds to urban expansion …
dynamic exhibiting the highest rate of change globally corresponds to urban expansion …
Spatial development planning in peri-urban space of Burdwan City, West Bengal, India: Statutory infrastructure as mediating factors
Population growth, economic development, and rural–urban migration have contributed to
the rapid growth of peripheral areas in Indian cities. The immigration of population and …
the rapid growth of peripheral areas in Indian cities. The immigration of population and …
An empirical investigation of socio-economic impacts of agglomeration economies in major cities of Punjab, Pakistan
Agglomeration economies are the external benefits earned from clustering of industries and
people in cities. The study assumes unbridled clustering of population in emerging urban …
people in cities. The study assumes unbridled clustering of population in emerging urban …
Adapting peri-urban agriculture to climate change in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe: A qualitative assessment
T Dube, S Sibanda, P Chiwara - Cogent Social Sciences, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Peri-urban agriculture plays a critical role in sustaining food security and livelihoods in
urban communities. In spite of the critical role it plays in food security, peri-urban agriculture …
urban communities. In spite of the critical role it plays in food security, peri-urban agriculture …
[HTML][HTML] The Directions of Spatial Development of Metropolitan Areas in Poland Based on the Automated Typology of the MA Localities as a Sustainable Solution to …
Urban settlements in Poland have developed over time, leading to problems such as
overpopulation and spatial expansion, which threaten the environment and create spatial …
overpopulation and spatial expansion, which threaten the environment and create spatial …
Navigating the challenges in the land intervention practices of peri-urban areas in Indian cities using CRITIC-TOPSIS approach
Peri-urbanisation is a dynamic phenomenon that is perpetually altering the territories of the
metropolises and land management regimes for peri-urban areas have left a void in …
metropolises and land management regimes for peri-urban areas have left a void in …
Transformation of berhampore municipal surrounding area from concentric zone to multiple nuclei zones
SK Roy, S Biswas - Territorio della Ricerca su Insediamenti e …, 2021 - serena.atcult.it
L'urbanizzazione è il processo di crescita della popolazione nelle aree urbane. La crescita
urbana avviene nelle zone contigue alle città di fondazione o alle città di recente impianto …
urbana avviene nelle zone contigue alle città di fondazione o alle città di recente impianto …