[PDF][PDF] Datdroid: Dynamic analysis technique in android malware detection

R Thangavelooa, WW **ga, CK Lenga… - … Journal on Advanced …, 2020 - researchgate.net
Android system has become a target for malware developers due to its huge market globally
in recent years. The emergence of 5G in the market and limited protocols post a great …

Unmasking the veiled: A comprehensive analysis of android evasive malware

A Ruggia, D Nisi, S Dambra, A Merlo… - Proceedings of the 19th …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
Since Android is the most widespread operating system, malware targeting it poses a severe
threat to the security and privacy of millions of users and is increasing from year to year. The …

A malware evasion technique for auditing android anti-malware solutions

S Mirza, H Abbas, WB Shahid, N Shafqat… - 2021 IEEE 30th …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the past few years, Android security is enhanced and state-of-the-art anti-malware tools
have been introduced to counter Android malware. These tools use both static and dynamic …

Proteus: Detecting Android Emulators from Instruction-Level Profiles

O Sahin, AK Coskun, M Egele - … in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses: 21st …, 2018 - Springer
The popularity of Android and the personal information stored on these devices attract the
attention of regular cyber-criminals as well as nation state adversaries who develop …

The droid is in the details: Environment-aware evasion of android sandboxes

B Kondracki, BA Azad, N Miramirkhani… - Proceedings of the 29th …, 2022 - par.nsf.gov
For over a decade, phishing toolkits have been hel** attackers automate and streamline
their phishing campaigns. Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) phishing toolkits are the latest …

[PDF][PDF] The Abuser Inside Apps: Finding the Culprit Committing Mobile Ad Fraud.

J Kim, J Park, S Son - NDSS, 2021 - ndss-symposium.org
Mobile ad fraud is a significant threat that victimizes app publishers and their users, thereby
undermining the ecosystem of app markets. Prior works on detecting mobile ad fraud have …

Trapdroid: Bare-metal android malware behavior analysis framework

H Alptekin, C Yildizli, E Savas… - 2019 21st International …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the realm of mobile devices, malicious applications pose considerable threats to
individuals, companies and governments. Cyber security researchers are in a constant race …

Data-driven Algorithms for Critical Detection Problems: From Healthcare to Cybersecurity Defenses

W Song - 2025 - vtechworks.lib.vt.edu
Abstract Machine learning and data-driven approaches have been widely applied to critical
detection problems, but their performance is often hindered by data-related challenges. This …

Shades of Gray: Delving Surreptitious Code in Android Applications

A Ruggia - 2024 - tesidottorato.depositolegale.it
In the last decade, we have faced the rise of mobile devices as a fundamental tool in our
everyday lives. At the time of writing, there are more than 4.2 billion active mobile users, and …

Leveraging Side-Channels to Fingerprint Software Systems

B Kondracki - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Attackers and defenders are engaged in an information arms race, where gaining a
momentary upper-hand can mean the difference between a successful or thwarted attack …