Quantum phase transitions in two-dimensional superconductors: a review on recent experimental progress
Superconductor–insulator/metal transition (SMT) as a paradigm of quantum phase transition
has been a research highlight over the last three decades. Benefit from recent developments …
has been a research highlight over the last three decades. Benefit from recent developments …
Recent progress in the JARVIS infrastructure for next-generation data-driven materials design
The joint automated repository for various integrated simulations (JARVIS) infrastructure at
the National Institute of Standards and Technology is a large-scale collection of curated …
the National Institute of Standards and Technology is a large-scale collection of curated …
Conventional superconductivity at 203 kelvin at high pressures in the sulfur hydride system
AP Drozdov, MI Eremets, IA Troyan, V Ksenofontov… - Nature, 2015 - nature.com
A superconductor is a material that can conduct electricity without resistance below a
superconducting transition temperature, T c. The highest T c that has been achieved to date …
superconducting transition temperature, T c. The highest T c that has been achieved to date …
Atomgpt: Atomistic generative pretrained transformer for forward and inverse materials design
K Choudhary - The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2024 - ACS Publications
Large language models (LLMs) such as generative pretrained transformers (GPTs) have
shown potential for various commercial applications, but their applicability for materials …
shown potential for various commercial applications, but their applicability for materials …
Designing high-TC superconductors with BCS-inspired screening, density functional theory, and deep-learning
We develop a multi-step workflow for the discovery of conventional superconductors, starting
with a Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer inspired pre-screening of 1736 materials with high …
with a Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer inspired pre-screening of 1736 materials with high …
Inverse design of next-generation superconductors using data-driven deep generative models
Finding new superconductors with a high critical temperature (T c) has been a challenging
task due to computational and experimental costs. We present a diffusion model inspired by …
task due to computational and experimental costs. We present a diffusion model inspired by …
High-throughput DFT-based discovery of next generation two-dimensional (2D) superconductors
High-throughput density functional theory (DFT) calculations allow for a systematic search
for conventional superconductors. With the recent interest in two-dimensional (2D) …
for conventional superconductors. With the recent interest in two-dimensional (2D) …
[Књига][B] Fundamentals of condensed matter physics
Based on an established course and covering the fundamentals, central areas and
contemporary topics of this diverse field, Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics is a …
contemporary topics of this diverse field, Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics is a …
Electride and superconductivity behaviors in Mn5Si3-type intermetallics
Electrides are unique in the sense that they contain localized anionic electrons in the
interstitial regions. Yet they exist with a diversity of chemical compositions, especially under …
interstitial regions. Yet they exist with a diversity of chemical compositions, especially under …
Evidence for a Spatially Modulated Superfluid Phase of under Confinement
In superfluid He 3-B confined in a slab geometry, domain walls between regions of different
order parameter orientation are predicted to be energetically stable. Formation of the …
order parameter orientation are predicted to be energetically stable. Formation of the …