A hybrid choice model with a nonlinear utility function and bounded distribution for latent variables: application to purchase intention decisions of electric cars

J Kim, S Rasouli, H Timmermans - Transportmetrica A: Transport …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
The hybrid choice model (HCM) provides a powerful framework to account for heterogeneity
across decision-makers in terms of different underlying latent attitudes. Typically, effects of …

Analysis of port choice: a methodological proposal adjusted with public data

A Martínez-Pardo, A Orro, L Garcia-Alonso - Transportation Research Part …, 2020 - Elsevier
The availability of public databases provides a great amount of data for research, but their
use can involve a lack of detailed information about the decision-makers. This fact prevents …

[PDF][PDF] Quebec-Windsor corridor high speed rail market forecast profiles in context: level-of-service response curvature sensitivity and attitude to risk or to distance in …

M Gaudry - Agora Jules Dupuit, AJD-127, www. e-ajd. org, 2010 - e-ajd.net
Robustness of results from estimated curvatures. We imply overall that, beyond mere fit and
other demonstrated benefits, untested linear forms of Standard Logit utility function variables …

Case-based reasoning and dynamic choice modeling

P Thomas, T Guilfoos - Land Economics, 2023 - le.uwpress.org
Estimating discrete choices under uncertainty typically rely on assumptions of expected
utility theory. We build on the dynamic choice modeling literature by using a nonlinear case …

[PDF][PDF] The problem of congestion unreliability cost: The certain error of a mean and the measure of travel time utility gains from public works

MJI Gaudry - Journal of Strategic Innovation and …, 2020 - na-businesspress.com
This summary-for-students presents the claim of some recent analyses of home-based daily
urban trips made in France or in the USA that the first four moments of travel time, not just the …

Box‐Cox Mixed Logit Model for Travel Behavior Analysis

A Orro, M Novales, FG Benitez - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2010 - pubs.aip.org
To represent the behavior of travelers when they are deciding how they are going to get to
their destination, discrete choice models, based on the random utility theory, have become …

The utility of journeys, from Dupuit's constant-time bridge crossing hops to commutes of chosen duration and reliability in the Paris region

M Gaudry - Transport Policy, 2018 - Elsevier
We estimate demand functions for work trip duration, assumed to combine the expected
value of endured transport service and a safety margin constructed by the commuter …

[PDF][PDF] Some deserving economic and econometric contributions by Marc JI Gaudry

J Pavaux - 2022 - researchgate.net
After writing a preface to ease the interested reader's engagement, I summarily outline two of
Gaudry's innovative streams of contributions and their documented references. My preface …

A multi-objective framework for extensive hypothesis testing during the estimation of discrete choice models

PB Beeramoole - 2024 - eprints.qut.edu.au
This research proposed an extensive hypothesis testing framework for estimating discrete
choice models. Discovery of meaningful discrete choice specifications was investigated as …

[PDF][PDF] Non linear logit modelling developments and high speed rail profitability

M Gaudry - Agora Jules Dupuit, Publication AJD-127, www. e-ajd …, 2008 - e-ajd.net
We argue from selected mode choice analyses carried out during the last 30 years that the
profitability of transport infrastructure investments in High Speed Rail and other modes must …