An overview of research on adaptive dynamic programming

HG Zhang, X Zhang, L Yan-Hong, Y Jun - Acta Automatica Sinica, 2013 - Elsevier
Adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) is a novel approximate optimal control scheme,
which has recently become a hot topic in the field of optimal control. As a standard approach …

Adaptive traffic signal control using approximate dynamic programming

C Cai, CK Wong, BG Heydecker - Transportation Research Part C …, 2009 - Elsevier
This paper presents a study on an adaptive traffic signal controller for real-time operation.
The controller aims for three operational objectives: dynamic allocation of green time …

A decentralized adaptive traffic signal control using V2I communication data

C Priemer, B Friedrich - 2009 12th international ieee …, 2009 -
A novel concept for a decentralized adaptive traffic signal control in urban networks using in
future available vehicle to infratructure (V2I) communication data is presented. The phase …

[PDF][PDF] A brief survey on advances of control and intelligent systems methods for traffic-responsive control of urban networks

KM Ng, MBI Reaz, MAM Ali, TG Chang - Technical Gazette, 2013 -
Subject review Traffic congestions in urban networks could contribute to adverse impact on
the economy, environment and the quality of life. As a result, much research has been …

Adaptive dynamic programming for multi-intersections traffic signal intelligent control

T Li, D Zhao, J Yi - 2008 11th international IEEE conference on …, 2008 -
This paper aims at develo** near optimal traffic signal control for multi-intersections in city.
As a new optimization technique, adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) combines concepts …

[PDF][PDF] 自适应动态规划综述

张化光, 张欣, 罗艳红, 杨珺 - 自动化学报, 2013 -
摘要自适应动态规划(Adaptive dynamic programming, ADP) 是最优控制领域新兴起的一种
**似最优方法, 是当前国际最优化领域的研究热点. ADP 方法利用函数**似结构来**似哈密顿 …

Data-based online optimal temperature tracking control in continuous microwave heating system by adaptive dynamic programming

T Liu, S Liang, Q **ong, K Wang - Neural processing letters, 2020 - Springer
Control of continuous microwave heating system (CMHS) is truly a complex problem with
time variance, uncertainty and nonlinearity, which becomes prohibitive to use a conventional …

Self-organization in traffic lights: Evolution of signal control with advances in sensors and communications

S Goel, SF Bush, C Gershenson - arxiv preprint arxiv:1708.07188, 2017 -
Traffic signals are ubiquitous devices that first appeared in 1868. Recent advances in
information and communications technology (ICT) have led to unprecedented improvements …

[PDF][PDF] 基于自适应动态规划的城市交通信号优化控制方法综述

赵冬斌, 刘德荣, 易建** - 自动化学报, 2009 -
摘要针对日益受到重视的自适应动态规划(Adaptive dynamic programming, ADP)
的方法和应用进行了概述. 详细分析了自适应动态规划的关键问题, 如收敛性 …

Traffic signal control optimization model of over-saturated intersection based on dynamic programming

LI Rui-min, T ** - 交通运输工程学报, 2015 -
In order to satisfy the signal control demand of over-saturated intersection, an optimization
model was established by using dynamic programming theory. The stages, state variables …