[HTML][HTML] A critical review of low salinity water flooding: Mechanism, laboratory and field application
Low-salinity water flooding (LSW) is a promising new technique for enhancing oil recovery
(EOR) in both sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. The potential of LSW has drawn the …
(EOR) in both sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. The potential of LSW has drawn the …
[HTML][HTML] Literature review of low salinity waterflooding from a length and time scale perspective
In recent years, research activity on the recovery technique known as low salinity
waterflooding has sharply increased. The main motivation for field application of low salinity …
waterflooding has sharply increased. The main motivation for field application of low salinity …
A Literature Review of CO2, Natural Gas, and Water-Based Fluids for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Unconventional Reservoirs
Primary oil recovery from fractured unconventional formations, such as shale or tight sands,
is typically less than 10%. The development of an economically viable enhanced oil …
is typically less than 10%. The development of an economically viable enhanced oil …
Review of low salinity waterflooding in carbonate rocks: mechanisms, investigation techniques, and future directions
This review analyses the fundamental thermodynamic theory of the crude oil-brine-rock
(COBR) interface and the underlying rock-brine and oil-brine interactions. The available …
(COBR) interface and the underlying rock-brine and oil-brine interactions. The available …
Zeta potential of artificial and natural calcite in aqueous solution
Despite the broad range of interest and applications, controls on calcite surface charge in
aqueous solution, especially at conditions relevant to natural systems, remain poorly …
aqueous solution, especially at conditions relevant to natural systems, remain poorly …
Electrokinetics of Carbonate/Brine Interface in Low-Salinity Waterflooding: Effect of Brine Salinity, Composition, Rock Type, and pH on ?-Potential and a Surface …
Laboratory studies have shown that wettability of carbonate rock can be altered to a less-oil-
wetting state by manipulation of brine composition and reduction of salinity. Our recent study …
wetting state by manipulation of brine composition and reduction of salinity. Our recent study …
Zeta potential in oil-water-carbonate systems and its impact on oil recovery during controlled salinity water-flooding
Laboratory experiments and field trials have shown that oil recovery from carbonate
reservoirs can be increased by modifying the brine composition injected during recovery in a …
reservoirs can be increased by modifying the brine composition injected during recovery in a …
Dissolution feature differences of carbonate rock within hydro-fluctuation belt located in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
The stability of geological environment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA) has
experienced severe challenges due to the 30 m hydro-fluctuation belt (HFB). The vertical …
experienced severe challenges due to the 30 m hydro-fluctuation belt (HFB). The vertical …
Manifestations of surfactant-polymer flooding for successful field applications in carbonates under harsh conditions: A comprehensive review
Most oil fields today are mature, and the majority of the reservoirs in the Middle East are
carbonate rocks characterized by high temperature high salinity (HTHS), heterogeneous …
carbonate rocks characterized by high temperature high salinity (HTHS), heterogeneous …
Low salinity waterflooding in carbonate reservoirs: Review of interfacial mechanisms
Carbonate rock reservoirs comprise approximately 60% of the world's oil and gas reserves.
Complex flow mechanisms and strong adsorption of crude oil on carbonate formation …
Complex flow mechanisms and strong adsorption of crude oil on carbonate formation …