Crustal magmatic controls on the formation of porphyry copper deposits
Porphyry deposits are large, low-grade metal ore bodies that are formed from hydrothermal
fluids derived from an underlying magma reservoir. They are important as major sources of …
fluids derived from an underlying magma reservoir. They are important as major sources of …
The chemistry of hydrothermal magnetite: A review
Abstract Magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) is a well-recognized petrogenetic indicator and is a common
accessory mineral in many ore deposits and their host rocks. Recent years have seen an …
accessory mineral in many ore deposits and their host rocks. Recent years have seen an …
Orogenic gold: is a genetic association with magmatism realistic?
Many workers accept a metamorphic model for orogenic gold ore formation, where a gold-
bearing aqueous-carbonic fluid is an inherent product of devolatilization across the …
bearing aqueous-carbonic fluid is an inherent product of devolatilization across the …
Timing and mechanism of ore precipitation in porphyry Cu systems: insight from LA-ICP-MS analysis of fluid inclusions and in situ oxygen isotope analysis of …
X Sun, R Li, X Si, K **ao, J Deng - Economic Geology, 2024 -
The timing and mechanism of ore precipitation in porphyry copper systems are hot topics
and remain controversial. The large Miocene collision-related Zhunuo porphyry Cu deposit …
and remain controversial. The large Miocene collision-related Zhunuo porphyry Cu deposit …
A holistic model for the origin of orogenic gold deposits and its implications for exploration
The term orogenic gold deposits has been widely accepted, but there has been continuing
debate on their genesis. Early syn-sedimentary or syn-volcanic models and hydrothermal …
debate on their genesis. Early syn-sedimentary or syn-volcanic models and hydrothermal …
How to make porphyry copper deposits
Much of the world's economic copper resources are hosted in porphyry copper deposits
(PCDs), shallow level magmatic intrusions associated mostly with thick (> 45 km) magmatic …
(PCDs), shallow level magmatic intrusions associated mostly with thick (> 45 km) magmatic …
The metal content of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids and its relationship to mineralization potential
A Audétat - Economic Geology, 2019 -
A fundamental question in the study of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits is whether the
mineralization potential of intrusions was already predetermined by the metal content of the …
mineralization potential of intrusions was already predetermined by the metal content of the …
Geochemical and micro-textural fingerprints of boiling in pyrite
The chemical composition, textures and mineral associations of pyrite provide key
information that help elucidate the evolution of hydrothermal systems. However, linking the …
information that help elucidate the evolution of hydrothermal systems. However, linking the …
Nanoparticles meet electrospinning: recent advances and future prospects
CL Zhang, SH Yu - Chemical Society Reviews, 2014 -
Nanofibres can be fabricated by various methods and perhaps electrospinning is the most
facile route. In past years, electrospinning has been used as a synthesis technique and the …
facile route. In past years, electrospinning has been used as a synthesis technique and the …
Electrospun polymeric nanofibers: New horizons in drug delivery
S Thakkar, M Misra - European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2017 - Elsevier
Nanofibers obtained using electrospinning technique are being used since ages especially
in fields of textile industry, sensors, filters, protective clothing and tissue engineering. Their …
in fields of textile industry, sensors, filters, protective clothing and tissue engineering. Their …