Emotional foundations of cognitive control
Often seen as the paragon of higher cognition, here we suggest that cognitive control is
dependent on emotion. Rather than asking whether control is influenced by emotion, we ask …
dependent on emotion. Rather than asking whether control is influenced by emotion, we ask …
Biological markers for anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD: A consensus statement. Part II: Neurochemistry, neurophysiology and neurocognition
Objective: Biomarkers are defined as anatomical, biochemical or physiological traits that are
specific to certain disorders or syndromes. The objective of this paper is to summarise the …
specific to certain disorders or syndromes. The objective of this paper is to summarise the …
The utility of event-related potentials in clinical psychology
Event-related potentials (ERPs) are direct measures of brain activity that can be leveraged
for clinically meaningful research. They can relate robustly both to continuous measures of …
for clinically meaningful research. They can relate robustly both to continuous measures of …
Annual Research Review: Developmental pathways linking early behavioral inhibition to later anxiety
Behavioral Inhibition is a temperament identified in the first years of life that enhances the
risk for development of anxiety during late childhood and adolescence. Amongst children …
risk for development of anxiety during late childhood and adolescence. Amongst children …
Considering ERP difference scores as individual difference measures: Issues with subtraction and alternative approaches
There is growing interest in psychophysiological and neural correlates of psychopathology,
personality, and other individual differences. Many studies correlate a criterion individual …
personality, and other individual differences. Many studies correlate a criterion individual …
Event-related potential studies of emotion regulation: A review of recent progress and future directions
Event-related potentials (ERPs) bring many strengths to the study of emotion regulation,
including: direct measurement of neural activity, high temporal resolution, affordability and …
including: direct measurement of neural activity, high temporal resolution, affordability and …
The erring brain: Error‐related negativity as an endophenotype for OCD—A review and meta‐analysis
A Riesel - Psychophysiology, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Obsessive‐compulsive disorder (OCD) is a complex and heterogeneous disorder that is
associated with high personal and societal costs. Feelings of doubt, worry, and repetitive …
associated with high personal and societal costs. Feelings of doubt, worry, and repetitive …
Reinforcement learning in depression: A review of computational research
Despite being considered primarily a mood disorder, major depressive disorder (MDD) is
characterized by cognitive and decision making deficits. Recent research has employed …
characterized by cognitive and decision making deficits. Recent research has employed …
On the relationship between anxiety and error monitoring: a meta-analysis and conceptual framework
Research involving event-related brain potentials has revealed that anxiety is associated
with enhanced error monitoring, as reflected in increased amplitude of the error-related …
with enhanced error monitoring, as reflected in increased amplitude of the error-related …
Error‐related negativity (ERN) and sustained threat: Conceptual framework and empirical evaluation in an adolescent sample
The error‐related negativity (ERN) currently appears as a physiological measure in relation
to three Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) constructs: Cognitive Control, Sustained Threat …
to three Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) constructs: Cognitive Control, Sustained Threat …