Understanding forest health with remote sensing-part I—a review of spectral traits, processes and remote-sensing characteristics
Anthropogenic stress and disturbance of forest ecosystems (FES) has been increasing at all
scales from local to global. In rapidly changing environments, in-situ terrestrial FES …
scales from local to global. In rapidly changing environments, in-situ terrestrial FES …
[HTML][HTML] Site-based and remote sensing methods for monitoring indicators of vegetation condition: An Australian review
Native vegetation around the world is under threat from historical and ongoing clearance,
overgrazing, invasive species, increasing soil and water salinity, altered fire regimes, poor …
overgrazing, invasive species, increasing soil and water salinity, altered fire regimes, poor …
Understanding and managing the role of bell miners (Manorina melanophrys) in forest dieback: a review of the ecological and management evidence
Severe impacts of herbivorous and xylophagous insects are a frequent characteristic of tree
canopy diebacks globally. Insects play many roles in forest ecosystems, although they are …
canopy diebacks globally. Insects play many roles in forest ecosystems, although they are …
[KNJIGA][B] Insect pests in tropical forestry
FR Wylie, MR Speight - 2012 - books.google.com
Insects are major pests of both natural and plantation forests in the tropics. This book is the
first to provide a broad-based, international review of this subject at a level suitable for …
first to provide a broad-based, international review of this subject at a level suitable for …
Vegetation condition assessment and monitoring from sequences of satellite imagery
J Wallace, G Behn, S Furby - Ecological Management & …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Vegetation changes over time are important indicators of condition, and are particularly
important as targets or triggers for management. Satellite image data have unique capacities …
important as targets or triggers for management. Satellite image data have unique capacities …
Inundation requirements for persistence and recovery of river red gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) in semi-arid Australia
Increasing water abstraction is severely degrading the world's wetlands, which is frequently
reflected in the condition of flood dependent organisms. Understanding minimum …
reflected in the condition of flood dependent organisms. Understanding minimum …
Soil bacterial functional diversity is associated with the decline of Eucalyptus gomphocephala
This study investigates whether tree decline in Eucalyptus gomphocephala (tuart) is
associated with the functional diversity of soil bacterial communities. We selected 12 sites …
associated with the functional diversity of soil bacterial communities. We selected 12 sites …
Forest map** by geoinformatics for landscape fire behaviour modelling in coastal forests, Greece
This study aims at quantifying and map** fire-related characteristics of forest structure
through field inventories, statistics, remote sensing, and geographical information systems in …
through field inventories, statistics, remote sensing, and geographical information systems in …
Evaluation of a visual assessment method for tree condition of eucalypt floodplain forests
For decades the floodplain forests of the River Murray have endured the effects of prolonged
water stress. This has resulted in significant crown dieback and loss of condition. The Living …
water stress. This has resulted in significant crown dieback and loss of condition. The Living …
Red edge index as an indicator of vegetation growth and vigor using hyperspectral remote sensing data
Nitrogen (N) is a major constituent element of chlorophyll and thylakoid proteins in the plant
canopy. The amount of foliar nitrogen reflects the growth of vegetation as it affects the …
canopy. The amount of foliar nitrogen reflects the growth of vegetation as it affects the …