[HTML][HTML] From conventional group decision making to large-scale group decision making: What are the challenges and how to meet them in big data era? A state-of …
Abstract The arrival of Big Data era has brought large, complex, and growing data generated
from numerous sources. Due to the power in felicitous decision making based on diverse …
from numerous sources. Due to the power in felicitous decision making based on diverse …
Large-scale group decision making: a systematic review and a critical analysis
The society in the digital transformation era demands new decision schemes such as e-
democracy or based on social media. Such novel decision schemes require the participation …
democracy or based on social media. Such novel decision schemes require the participation …
[HTML][HTML] Consensus reaching process in large-scale group decision making based on bounded confidence and social network
Consensus reaching process (CRP) is a dynamic and interactive method used to reach a
group decision. Now that social networks and mobile internet are prominent features in daily …
group decision. Now that social networks and mobile internet are prominent features in daily …
An online reviews-driven large-scale group decision making approach for evaluating user satisfaction of sharing accommodation
To promote the development of the peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation in sharing economy,
it is important to understand and ensure the determinants of high-level user satisfaction …
it is important to understand and ensure the determinants of high-level user satisfaction …
Expertise-structure and risk-appetite-integrated two-tiered collective opinion generation framework for large-scale group decision making
The generation of collective preference assessments occupies a critical position in deriving
accurate and reliable alternative rankings in the context of large-scale group decision …
accurate and reliable alternative rankings in the context of large-scale group decision …
Heterogeneous large-scale group decision making using fuzzy cluster analysis and its application to emergency response plan selection
As the number of people involved in a decision-making problem increases, the complexity of
the group decision-making (GDM) process increases accordingly. The size of participants …
the group decision-making (GDM) process increases accordingly. The size of participants …
A clustering-and maximum consensus-based model for social network large-scale group decision making with linguistic distribution
Nowadays, with the increasing complexity of decision-making environment, more and more
large-scale group decision making (LGDM) problems are faced. Due to the existence of …
large-scale group decision making (LGDM) problems are faced. Due to the existence of …
Large-Scale decision-making: Characterization, taxonomy, challenges and future directions from an Artificial Intelligence and applications perspective
The last decade witnessed tremendous developments in social media and e-democracy
technologies. A fundamental aspect in these paradigms is that the number of decision …
technologies. A fundamental aspect in these paradigms is that the number of decision …
Online-review analysis based large-scale group decision-making for determining passenger demands and evaluating passenger satisfaction: Case study of high …
High-speed rail (HSR) has become an essential mode of public transportation in China and
is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. To promote the development of the HSR …
is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. To promote the development of the HSR …
A novel alpha-level sets based fuzzy DEMATEL method considering experts' hesitant information
Fuzzy DEMATEL method is diffusely employed to analyze the interrelationship among
factors in various fields under uncertain and fuzzy environment. In the extant fuzzy …
factors in various fields under uncertain and fuzzy environment. In the extant fuzzy …