Agenda democracy

D Carpenter - Annual Review of Political Science, 2023 -
The study of agenda setting has become curiously disconnected from democratic theory and
democratization. Following Schattschneider, Dahl, and recent developments in political …

The procedure fetish

N Bagley - Michigan Law Review, 2019 - JSTOR
The strict procedural rules that characterize modern administrative law are said to be
necessary to sustain the fragile legitimacy of a powerful and constitutionally suspect …

Fintech and the innovation trilemma

C Brummer, Y Yadav - Geo. LJ, 2018 - HeinOnline
When Bitcoin rocketed in value nearly twentyfold in 2017, regulators around the world faced
a barrage of questions concerning the rising tide of technology leveraging distributed ledger …

The institutional design of community control

KS Rahman, J Simonson - California Law Review, 2020 - JSTOR
A growing set of social movements has in recent years revived interest in “community
control,” the idea that local residents should exercise power over services like the police …

Democratizing rule development

M Sant'Ambrogio, G Staszewski - Wash. UL Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
Agencies make many of their most important decisions in rulemaking well before the
publication of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR), when they set their regulatory …

Foia, Inc.

MB Kwoka - Duke LJ, 2015 - HeinOnline
Government transparency is imagined as a public good necessary to a robust democracy.
Consistent with that vision, Congress enacted the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to allow …

Reasonable investor (s)

TCW Lin - BuL rEv., 2015 - HeinOnline
BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW protection. This Article presents an original typology of
heterogeneous investors that exposes the common regulatory fallacy of homogeneous …

Intra-agency coordination

J Nou - Harv. L. Rev., 2015 - HeinOnline
Congress or the President, manage and operate their organizational divisions. It pre-sents a
theory of how administrative leaders use internal hierarchies and procedures to process …

[KNIHA][B] The perils of partnership: industry influence, institutional integrity, and public health

JH Marks - 2019 -
Countless public health agencies are trying to solve our most intractable public health
problems--among them, the obesity and opioid epidemics--by partnering with corporations …

Intermediary influence

K Judge - U. Chi. L. Rev., 2015 - HeinOnline
Intermediaries are a prominent feature of most modern markets, and with good reason.
Intermediaries can bridge in-formation asymmetries, enable parties to find one another, and …