Phonons and related crystal properties from density-functional perturbation theory

S Baroni, S De Gironcoli, A Dal Corso… - Reviews of modern Physics, 2001‏ - APS
This article reviews the current status of lattice-dynamical calculations in crystals, using
density-functional perturbation theory, with emphasis on the plane-wave pseudopotential …

Maximally localized Wannier functions: Theory and applications

N Marzari, AA Mostofi, JR Yates, I Souza… - Reviews of Modern …, 2012‏ - APS
The electronic ground state of a periodic system is usually described in terms of extended
Bloch orbitals, but an alternative representation in terms of localized “Wannier functions” …

Describing chemical reactivity with frontier molecular orbitalets

J Yu, NQ Su, W Yang - JACS au, 2022‏ - ACS Publications
Locality in physical space is critical in understanding chemical reactivity in the analysis of
various phenomena and processes in chemistry, biology, and materials science, as …

[HTML][HTML] CP2K: An electronic structure and molecular dynamics software package-Quickstep: Efficient and accurate electronic structure calculations

TD Kühne, M Iannuzzi, M Del Ben, VV Rybkin… - The Journal of …, 2020‏ -
CP2K is an open source electronic structure and molecular dynamics software package to
perform atomistic simulations of solid-state, liquid, molecular, and biological systems. It is …

The SIESTA method for ab initio order-Nmaterials simulation

JM Soler, E Artacho, JD Gale, A García… - Journal of Physics …, 2002‏ -
We have developed and implemented a selfconsistent density functional method using
standard norm-conserving pseudopotentials and a flexible, numerical linear combination of …

Maximally localized generalized Wannier functions for composite energy bands

N Marzari, D Vanderbilt - Physical review B, 1997‏ - APS
We discuss a method for determining the optimally localized set of generalized Wannier
functions associated with a set of Bloch bands in a crystalline solid. By “generalized Wannier …

[ספר][B] Ab initio molecular dynamics: basic theory and advanced methods

D Marx, J Hutter - 2009‏ -
Ab initio molecular dynamics revolutionized the field of realistic computer simulation of
complex molecular systems and processes, including chemical reactions, by unifying …

A hybrid Gaussian and plane wave density functional scheme

BG Lippert, JHM PARRINELLO - Molecular Physics, 1997‏ - Taylor & Francis
A density functional theory-based algorithm for periodic and non-periodic ab initio
calculations is presented. This scheme uses pseudopotentials in order to integrate out the …

Self-consistent order- density-functional calculations for very large systems

P Ordejón, E Artacho, JM Soler - Physical review B, 1996‏ - APS
We present a method to perform fully self-consistent density-functional calculations that
scales linearly with the system size and which is well suited for very large systems. It uses …

[ספר][B] Computational Electronics: semiclassical and quantum device modeling and simulation

D Vasileska, SM Goodnick, G Klimeck - 2017‏ -
Starting with the simplest semiclassical approaches and ending with the description of
complex fully quantum-mechanical methods for quantum transport analysis of state-of-the …