Last millennium Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures from tree rings: Part II, spatially resolved reconstructions
Climate field reconstructions from networks of tree-ring proxy data can be used to
characterize regional-scale climate changes, reveal spatial anomaly patterns associated …
characterize regional-scale climate changes, reveal spatial anomaly patterns associated …
The IPCC's reductive Common Era temperature history
Common Era temperature variability has been a prominent component in Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change reports over the last several decades and was twice featured in …
Panel on Climate Change reports over the last several decades and was twice featured in …
Consistent multidecadal variability in global temperature reconstructions and simulations over the Common Era
Nature geoscience, 2019 - nature.com
Multidecadal surface temperature changes may be forced by natural as well as
anthropogenic factors, or arise unforced from the climate system. Distinguishing these …
anthropogenic factors, or arise unforced from the climate system. Distinguishing these …
CO2 capture and storage: a way forward for sustainable environment
The quest for a sustainable environment and combating global warming, carbon capture,
and storage (CCS) has become the primary resort. A complete shift from non-renewable …
and storage (CCS) has become the primary resort. A complete shift from non-renewable …
Global assessment of relationships between climate and tree growth
M Wilmking… - Global Change …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Tree‐ring records provide global high‐resolution information on tree‐species responses to
global change, forest carbon and water dynamics, and past climate variability and extremes …
global change, forest carbon and water dynamics, and past climate variability and extremes …
The influence of decision-making in tree ring-based climate reconstructions
Tree-ring chronologies underpin the majority of annually-resolved reconstructions of
Common Era climate. However, they are derived using different datasets and techniques …
Common Era climate. However, they are derived using different datasets and techniques …
Fennoscandian tree-ring anatomy shows a warmer modern than medieval climate
Earth system models and various climate proxy sources indicate global warming is
unprecedented during at least the Common Era. However, tree-ring proxies often estimate …
unprecedented during at least the Common Era. However, tree-ring proxies often estimate …
[HTML][HTML] Prominent role of volcanism in Common Era climate variability and human history
Climate reconstructions for the Common Era are compromised by the paucity of annually-
resolved and absolutely-dated proxy records prior to medieval times. Where reconstructions …
resolved and absolutely-dated proxy records prior to medieval times. Where reconstructions …
[HTML][HTML] Tropical and subtropical dendrochronology: Approaches, applications, and prospects
Tropical and subtropical forests cover only 7% of the Earth's land surface. Yet, they host
nearly half of global tree density with a high species number (∼ 40,000 species), store up to …
nearly half of global tree density with a high species number (∼ 40,000 species), store up to …
Progress and uncertainties in global and hemispheric temperature reconstructions of the Common Era
Global and hemispheric temperature reconstructions provide an important means of placing
recent anthropogenic temperature trends in the context of preindustrial climate variations …
recent anthropogenic temperature trends in the context of preindustrial climate variations …