A two-layer recurrent neural network for nonsmooth convex optimization problems

S Qin, X Xue - IEEE transactions on neural networks and …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, a two-layer recurrent neural network is proposed to solve the nonsmooth
convex optimization problem subject to convex inequality and linear equality constraints …

A recurrent neural network with finite-time convergence for convex quadratic bilevel programming problems

J Feng, S Qin, F Shi, X Zhao - Neural Computing and Applications, 2018 - Springer
In this paper, a recurrent neural network with a new tunable activation is proposed to solve a
kind of convex quadratic bilevel programming problem. It is proved that the equilibrium point …

Global exponential stability of almost periodic solution of delayed neural networks with discontinuous activations

S Qin, X Xue, P Wang - Information Sciences, 2013 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study the existence, uniqueness and stability of almost periodic solution for
the class of delayed neural networks. The neural network considered in this paper employs …

On the periodic dynamics of a class of time-varying delayed neural networks via differential inclusions

Z Cai, L Huang, Z Guo, X Chen - Neural Networks, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the periodic dynamics of a general class of time-varying delayed
neural networks with discontinuous right-hand sides. By employing the topological degree …

Solving mixed variational inequalities via a proximal neurodynamic network with applications

X Ju, H Che, C Li, X He - Neural Processing Letters, 2022 - Springer
This paper proposes a proximal neurodynamic network (PNDN) for solving mixed variational
inequalities based on the proximal operator. It is shown that the proposed PNDN is globally …

A new one-layer recurrent neural network for nonsmooth pseudoconvex optimization

S Qin, W Bian, X Xue - Neurocomputing, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a one-layer recurrent neural network for solving nonlinear nonsmooth
pseudoconvex optimization problem subject to linear equality constraints. We first prove that …

A continuous finite-time neural network with bias noises for convex quadratic bilevel programming problem

P Miao, F Yang - International Journal of Control, Automation and …, 2022 - Springer
A continuous finite-time neural network with bias noises is proposed to solve the convex
quadratic bilevel programming problem in this paper. In order to solve the convex quadratic …

Global dynamics of equilibrium point for delayed competitive neural networks with different time scales and discontinuous activations

L Duan, L Huang - Neurocomputing, 2014 - Elsevier
In this paper, we investigate the global dynamics of equilibrium point for delayed competitive
neural networks with different time scales and discontinuous activations. Employing the …

A stability study on first-order neutral systems with three rationally independent time delays

R Sipahi, N Olgac, D Breda - International journal of systems …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
First-order linear time invariant and time-delayed dynamics of neutral type is taken into
account with three rationally independent delays. There are two main contributions of this …

Exponential lag synchronization and global dissipativity for delayed fuzzy Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with discontinuous activations

M Abdelaziz, F Chérif - Neural Processing Letters, 2020 - Springer
This paper investigates the qualitative behavior of a new class of fuzzy Cohen–Grossberg
neural networks with discontinuous neuron activations and mixed delays. Roughly …