Candida parapsilosis: from genes to the bedside
Patients with suppressed immunity are at the highest risk for hospital-acquired infections.
Among these, invasive candidiasis is the most prevalent systemic fungal nosocomial …
Among these, invasive candidiasis is the most prevalent systemic fungal nosocomial …
Growth of Candida albicans hyphae
PE Sudbery - Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2011 - nature.com
The fungus Candida albicans is often a benign member of the mucosal flora; however, it
commonly causes mucosal disease with substantial morbidity and in vulnerable patients it …
commonly causes mucosal disease with substantial morbidity and in vulnerable patients it …
Mechanism of Candida pathogenesis: revisiting the vital drivers
Candida is the most implicated fungal pathogen in the clinical setting. Several factors play
important roles in the pathogenesis of Candida spp. Multiple transcriptional circuits …
important roles in the pathogenesis of Candida spp. Multiple transcriptional circuits …
Candida albicans, a major human fungal pathogen
Candida albicans is the most common human fungal pathogen (Beck-Sague and Jarvis,
1993). It is normally a harmless commensal organism. However, it is a opportunistic …
1993). It is normally a harmless commensal organism. However, it is a opportunistic …
Evolution of pathogenicity and sexual reproduction in eight Candida genomes
Candida species are the most common cause of opportunistic fungal infection worldwide.
Here we report the genome sequences of six Candida species and compare these and …
Here we report the genome sequences of six Candida species and compare these and …
Efflux-mediated antifungal drug resistance
Fungi cause serious infections in the immunocompromised and debilitated, and the
incidence of invasive mycoses has increased significantly over the last 3 decades. Slow …
incidence of invasive mycoses has increased significantly over the last 3 decades. Slow …
The evolution of sex: a perspective from the fungal kingdom
SC Lee, M Ni, W Li, C Shertz… - … and molecular biology …, 2010 - journals.asm.org
Sex is shrouded in mystery. Not only does it preferentially occur in the dark for both fungi
and many animals, but evolutionary biologists continue to debate its benefits given costs in …
and many animals, but evolutionary biologists continue to debate its benefits given costs in …
Stress adaptation in a pathogenic fungus
AJP Brown, S Budge, D Kaloriti… - Journal of …, 2014 - journals.biologists.com
Candida albicans is a major fungal pathogen of humans. This yeast is carried by many
individuals as a harmless commensal, but when immune defences are perturbed it causes …
individuals as a harmless commensal, but when immune defences are perturbed it causes …
Candida albicans: A Model Organism for Studying Fungal Pathogens
Candida albicans is an opportunistic human fungal pathogen that causes candidiasis. As
healthcare has been improved worldwide, the number of immunocompromised patients has …
healthcare has been improved worldwide, the number of immunocompromised patients has …
Transcriptional Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Human Pathogen Candida albicans
C Askew, A Sellam, E Epp, H Hogues, A Mullick… - PLoS …, 2009 - journals.plos.org
Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway that is central to the assimilation of carbon for either
respiration or fermentation and therefore is critical for the growth of all organisms …
respiration or fermentation and therefore is critical for the growth of all organisms …