[PDF][PDF] Arabic Optical Character Recognition: A Review.
S Alghyaline - CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & …, 2023 - researchgate.net
This study aims to review the latest contributions in Arabic Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) during the last decade, which helps interested researchers know the existing …
(OCR) during the last decade, which helps interested researchers know the existing …
Printed Ottoman text recognition using synthetic data and data augmentation
EF Bilgin Tasdemir - International Journal on Document Analysis and …, 2023 - Springer
The Ottoman script, which was in use for over five centuries, is an Arabic alphabet-based
writing system. It became obsolete after the change of alphabet in Turkey. There are plenty …
writing system. It became obsolete after the change of alphabet in Turkey. There are plenty …
Building a morpho-semantic knowledge graph for Arabic information retrieval
In this paper, we propose to build a morpho-semantic knowledge graph from Arabic
vocalized corpora. Our work focuses on classical Arabic as it has not been deeply …
vocalized corpora. Our work focuses on classical Arabic as it has not been deeply …
Corpus literacy instruction in language teacher education: Investigating Arab EFL student teachers' immediate beliefs and long-term practices
MMMA Latif - ReCALL, 2021 - cambridge.org
With the increasing recognition of the pedagogical applications of corpus linguistics, there
has been a growing interest in develo** teachers' corpus literacy to popularize the use of …
has been a growing interest in develo** teachers' corpus literacy to popularize the use of …
Deep learning algorithms for Arabic optical character recognition: a survey
In recent years, deep learning has begun to supplant traditional machine learning
algorithms in a variety of fields, including machine translation (MT), pattern recognition (PR) …
algorithms in a variety of fields, including machine translation (MT), pattern recognition (PR) …
Corpora for sentiment analysis of Arabic text in social media
Different Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications such as text categorization,
machine translation, etc., need annotated corpora to check quality and performance …
machine translation, etc., need annotated corpora to check quality and performance …
A novel Arabic OCR post-processing using rule-based and word context techniques
Optical character recognition (OCR) is the process of recognizing characters automatically
from scanned documents for editing, indexing, searching, and reducing the storage space …
from scanned documents for editing, indexing, searching, and reducing the storage space …
[PDF][PDF] A Corpus-assisted Critical Discourse Analysis of the Arab Uprisings
AS Haider - 2016 - academia.edu
The Arab Spring, a period of revolutions and protests that began in late 2010 and early
2011, is considered to be one of the most important series of events that have affected the …
2011, is considered to be one of the most important series of events that have affected the …
Yarmouk arabic OCR dataset
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process of recognizing characters automatically
from scanned or image documents. OCR software uses machine learning to recognize …
from scanned or image documents. OCR software uses machine learning to recognize …
BLB (Brain/Lung cancer detection and segmentation and Breast Dense calculation)
B El-Sherbiny, N Nabil, SH El-Naby… - … Workshop on Deep …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cancer Diagnosis and prediction have been one of the most important challenges faced by
mankind in the last few decades. Accurate detection of cancer would facilitate saving …
mankind in the last few decades. Accurate detection of cancer would facilitate saving …