Empowering women? Inheritance rights, female education and dowry payments in India

S Roy - Journal of Development Economics, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper examines the impact of gender-progressive reforms to the inheritance law in
India on women's outcomes. Despite stipulating that daughters would have equal shares as …

The role of men in the economic and social development of women: Implications for gender equality

L Farré - The World Bank Research Observer, 2013 - academic.oup.com
This paper is a critical review of the literature on the issue of how male behavior affects
female outcomes in the promotion of gender equality. It employs the family as the main unit …

Resettlement and gender dimensions of land rights in post-conflict northern Uganda

S Adelman, A Peterman - World Development, 2014 - Elsevier
Evidence shows even low levels of land conflict may undermine land governance and
management, constrain agricultural productivity, and serve to perpetuate civil violence. This …

[PDF][PDF] Promoting Gender Equality and Female Empowerment: A systematic review of the evidence on property rights, labour markets, political participation and …

M Dekker - Leiden: African Studies Center, 2013 - scholarlypublications …
Increasing gender equality and strengthening the position of women and girls has been an
important (cross cutting) theme in Dutch development cooperation since several decades …

[PDF][PDF] The role of men for gender equality

L Farré - World Development Report, 2012 - openknowledge.worldbank.org
Gender as an interdisciplinary concept refers to women and men, the relations between
them, and the institutions that govern these relationships. However, most of the literature on …

[PDF][PDF] How do maternity leave and discriminatory social norms relate to women's employment in develo** countries

S Cerise, A Eliseeva, F Francavilla, C Mejia… - … France: Organization for …, 2013 - Citeseer
Increasing women's participation in paid employment is a fundamental step towards
women's economic empowerment and improving development outcomes. The benefits of …

[PDF][PDF] Can political reservations empower women and affect economic outcomes?: evidence from rural india

K Deininger, HK Nagarajan… - … working papers on …, 2012 - idl-bnc-idrc.dspacedirect.org
While many studies explored impacts of political quotas for females on public goods
provision, knowledge on immediate and longer term economic impacts of such interventions …

Changes in India's property rights regime and the implications for improved gender parity: Evidence from regression discontinuity analysis of panel data for 17 Indian …

R Brulé - APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper, 2010 - papers.ssrn.com
In India, where rigid social norms limit women's autonomy, attempts to legislate equal rights
are rarely successful. Moreover, limited data on the interaction of legal implementation and …

The role of bribes in rural governance: The case of India

HK Nagarajan, R Jha, KC Pradhan - Available at SSRN 2246525, 2013 - papers.ssrn.com
Given that the phenomenon of capture of public programs by sections the population is
rampant in develo** countries, households can indulge in a strategy to improve their …

[PDF][PDF] Vulnerabilities in Women's Work and Land Rights

S Sen - GeoGraphy, 2016 - researchgate.net
Agricultural livelihood dependent on land range from working on it as a labourer, as a tenant
farmer, as an unpaid family worker on family-owned land, without or with some involvement …