Photonic quantum information processing: a review
Photonic quantum technologies represent a promising platform for several applications,
ranging from long-distance communications to the simulation of complex phenomena …
ranging from long-distance communications to the simulation of complex phenomena …
[HTML][HTML] Single-photon sources: Approaching the ideal through multiplexing
We review the rapid recent progress in single-photon sources based on multiplexing
multiple probabilistic photon-creation events. Such multiplexing allows higher single-photon …
multiple probabilistic photon-creation events. Such multiplexing allows higher single-photon …
Experimental validation of photonic boson sampling
A boson sampling device is a specialized quantum computer that solves a problem that is
strongly believed to be computationally hard for classical computers. Recently, a number of …
strongly believed to be computationally hard for classical computers. Recently, a number of …
Suppression law of quantum states in a 3D photonic fast Fourier transform chip
The identification of phenomena able to pinpoint quantum interference is attracting large
interest. Indeed, a generalization of the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect valid for any number of …
interest. Indeed, a generalization of the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect valid for any number of …
Classical simulation of photonic linear optics with lost particles
We explore the possibility of efficient classical simulation of linear optics experiments under
the effect of particle losses. Specifically, we investigate the canonical boson sampling …
the effect of particle losses. Specifically, we investigate the canonical boson sampling …
Scalable boson sampling with time-bin encoding using a loop-based architecture
We present an architecture for arbitrarily scalable boson sampling using two nested fiber
loops. The architecture has fixed experimental complexity, irrespective of the size of the …
loops. The architecture has fixed experimental complexity, irrespective of the size of the …
Linear optical quantum metrology with single photons: exploiting spontaneously generated entanglement to beat the shot-noise limit
Quantum number-path entanglement is a resource for supersensitive quantum metrology
and in particular provides for sub-shot-noise or even Heisenberg-limited sensitivity …
and in particular provides for sub-shot-noise or even Heisenberg-limited sensitivity …
Sampling of partially distinguishable bosons and the relation to the multidimensional permanent
MC Tichy - Physical Review A, 2015 - APS
The collective interference of partially distinguishable bosons in multimode networks is
studied via double-sided Feynman diagrams. The probability for many-body scattering …
studied via double-sided Feynman diagrams. The probability for many-body scattering …
Effect of loss on multiplexed single-photon sources
D Bonneau, GJ Mendoza, JL O'Brien… - New Journal of …, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
An on-demand single-photon source is a key requirement for scaling many optical quantum
technologies. A promising approach to realize an on-demand single-photon source is to …
technologies. A promising approach to realize an on-demand single-photon source is to …
What can quantum optics say about computational complexity theory?
Considering the problem of sampling from the output photon-counting probability distribution
of a linear-optical network for input Gaussian states, we obtain results that are of interest …
of a linear-optical network for input Gaussian states, we obtain results that are of interest …