Ocean spray

F Veron - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 2015 - annualreviews.org
Ocean spray consists of small water droplets ejected from the ocean surface following
surface breaking wave events. These drops get transported in the marine atmospheric …

100 years of progress in tropical cyclone research

K Emanuel - Meteorological Monographs, 2018 - journals.ametsoc.org
A century ago, meteorologists regarded tropical cyclones as shallow vortices, extending
upward only a few kilometers into the troposphere, and nothing was known about their …

Air–sea enthalpy and momentum exchange at major hurricane wind speeds observed during CBLAST

MM Bell, MT Montgomery… - Journal of the …, 2012 - journals.ametsoc.org
Quantifying air–sea exchanges of enthalpy and momentum is important for understanding
and skillfully predicting tropical cyclone intensity, but the magnitude of the corresponding …

Investigation of hurricane Ivan using the coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) model

JB Zambon, R He, JC Warner - Ocean Dynamics, 2014 - Springer
The coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave–sediment transport (COAWST) model is used to
hindcast Hurricane Ivan (2004), an extremely intense tropical cyclone (TC) translating …

Impact of tropical cyclones on inhabited areas of the SWIO Basin at present and future horizons. part 1: overview and observing component of the research project …

O Bousquet, G Barruol, E Cordier, C Barthe, S Bielli… - Atmosphere, 2021 - mdpi.com
The international research program “ReNovRisk-CYCLONE”(RNR-CYC, 2017–2021)
directly involves 20 partners from 5 countries of the south-west Indian-Ocean. It aims at …

The air-sea interface and surface stress under tropical cyclones

AV Soloviev, R Lukas, MA Donelan, BK Haus, I Ginis - Scientific reports, 2014 - nature.com
Tropical cyclone track prediction is steadily improving, while storm intensity prediction has
seen little progress in the last quarter century. Important physics are not yet well understood …

An improved bulk air–sea surface flux algorithm, including spray‐mediated transfer

EL Andreas, L Mahrt, D Vickers - Quarterly Journal of the Royal …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
A bulk air–sea flux algorithm couples the ocean and the lower atmosphere through flux
boundary conditions and can be used in various analyses and in numerical models. The …

The “bag breakup” spume droplet generation mechanism at high winds. Part I: Spray generation function

Y Troitskaya, A Kandaurov, O Ermakova… - Journal of physical …, 2018 - journals.ametsoc.org
This paper describes the results of an experimental and theoretical investigation into the
mechanisms by which spume droplets are generated by high winds. The experiments were …

Bag-breakup fragmentation as the dominant mechanism of sea-spray production in high winds

Y Troitskaya, A Kandaurov, O Ermakova, D Kozlov… - Scientific reports, 2017 - nature.com
Showing the record strengths and growth-rates, recent hurricanes have highlighted needs
for improving forecasts of tropical cyclone intensities most sensitive to models of the air-sea …

Tropical cyclone prediction using COAMPS-TC

JD Doyle, RM Hodur, SUE Chen, YI **, JR Moskaitis… - Oceanography, 2014 - JSTOR
ABSTRACT A new version of the Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System
for Tropical Cyclones (COAMPS®-TC) has been developed for prediction of tropical cyclone …