Social community based blog search framework

OR Jeong, J Oh - Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 17th …, 2012 - Springer
This study proposes a blog search framework which enables a more in-depth search on a
given topic by extracting the collective intelligence features in social community sites and …

Find me opinion sources in blogosphere: a unified framework for opinionated blog feed retrieval

X Xu, S Tan, Y Liu, X Cheng, Z Lin, J Guo - proceedings of the fifth ACM …, 2012 -
This paper aims to find blog feeds having a principal inclination towards making opinionated
comments on the given topic, so that we can subscribe to them to track influential and …

[PDF][PDF] BUPT_WILDCAT at TREC 2011 Session Track.

T Liu, C Zhang, Y Gao, W **ao, H Huang - TREC, 2011 -
This paper is an overview of the runs carried out at TREC 2011 Session track, which
proposes several approaches to improve the retrieval performance over one session …

Blog distillation via sentiment-sensitive link analysis

G Berardi, A Esuli, F Sebastiani, F Silvestri - Natural Language Processing …, 2012 - Springer
In this paper we approach blog distillation by adding a link analysis phase to the standard
retrieval-by-topicality phase, where we also we check whether a given hyperlink is a citation …

Learning features through feedback for blog distillation

D Gao, R Zhang, W Li, YK Lau, KF Wong - Proceedings of the 34th …, 2011 -
The paper is focused on blogosphere research based on the TREC blog distillation task,
and aims to explore unbiased and significant features automatically and efficiently …

[PDF][PDF] Facet-Driven Blog Feed Retrieval.

L Jia, TY Clement, W Meng, L Zhang - Int. J. Comput. Linguistics Appl., 2013 -
The faceted blog distillation task retrieves blogs (ie RSS feeds) that are not only relevant to a
query but also satisfy an interested facet. The facets under consideration are opinionated vs …

[PDF][PDF] BUPT_PRIS at TREC 2012 Session Track.

C Zhang, X Wang, S Wen, R Li - TREC, 2012 - Citeseer
In this paper, we introduce our experiments carried out at TREC 2012 session track. Based
on the work of our group in TREC 2011 session track, we propose several methods to …

Efficient feedback-based feature learning for blog distillation as a terabyte challenge

D Gao, W Li, R Zhang - Social Media Content Analysis: Natural …, 2018 - World Scientific
The chapter is focused on blogosphere research based on the TREC blog distillation task,
and aims to explore unbiased and significant features automatically and efficiently …

Faceted models of blog feeds

L Jia, C Yu, W Meng - Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international …, 2013 -
Faceted blog distillation aims at retrieving the blogs that are not only relevant to a query but
also exhibit an interested facet. In this paper we consider personal and official facets …

The Retrieval of Important News Stories by Influence Propagation among Communities and Categories

YF Lin, HY Kao - … IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on …, 2012 -
Nowadays, people receive information of the news stories not only from newspapers but
also from online news websites. They search important news stories in order to know what …