[HTML][HTML] Prospects for the integration of lignin materials into the circular economy
Lignin is a remarkable natural polyphenol that provides trees with physical and (bio-)
chemical resistance, as well as the ability to reach considerable heights. Lignin is also …
chemical resistance, as well as the ability to reach considerable heights. Lignin is also …
Multifunctional lignin-based nanocomposites and nanohybrids
Significant progress in lignins valorization and development of high-performance
sustainable materials have been achieved in recent years. Reports related to lignin …
sustainable materials have been achieved in recent years. Reports related to lignin …
Polydopamine modified cyclodextrin polymer as efficient adsorbent for removing cationic dyes and Cu2+
An eco-friendly polydopamine composite adsorbent (CD-CA/PDA) based on cyclodextrin
polymer was prepared for cationic dyes and metals removing. CD-CA/PDA, combining the …
polymer was prepared for cationic dyes and metals removing. CD-CA/PDA, combining the …
Lignin-based adsorbent materials for metal ion removal from wastewater: A review
P Santander, B Butter, E Oyarce, M Yáñez… - Industrial Crops and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Water is essential for the development of life on earth; therefore, its decontamination is
essential. Among the pollutants that threaten this water resources are metal ions, since they …
essential. Among the pollutants that threaten this water resources are metal ions, since they …
Chemical modification of lignin derived from spent coffee grounds for methylene blue adsorption
F Taleb, M Ammar, M Mosbah, R Salem… - Scientific Reports, 2020 - nature.com
In this work, spent coffee grounds (SCG) were treated using sulfuric acid hydrolysis in order
to isolate the sulfuric acid lignin (SAL). The reactivity of SAL was improved through …
to isolate the sulfuric acid lignin (SAL). The reactivity of SAL was improved through …
Sustainable lignin modifications and processing methods: green chemistry as the way forward
The anthropologic impact on climate has reached a critical level given that society relies on
non-renewable fossil resources for energy. Thus, to alleviate this, lignins can play a key role …
non-renewable fossil resources for energy. Thus, to alleviate this, lignins can play a key role …
Role of sulfonation in lignin-based material for adsorption removal of cationic dyes
Sulfonate lignin-based hydrogels (SLG) were prepared through simple and effective method
and successfully applied to the adsorption of cation dye methylene blue (MB). Samples were …
and successfully applied to the adsorption of cation dye methylene blue (MB). Samples were …
Synthesis, characterization, and utilization of a lignin-based adsorbent for effective removal of azo dye from aqueous solution
How to effectively remove toxic dyes from the industrial wastewater using a green low-cost
lignocellulose-based adsorbent, such as lignin, has become a topic of great interest but …
lignocellulose-based adsorbent, such as lignin, has become a topic of great interest but …
Colloidal lignin valorization: From macromolecular design to targeted applications
Converting lignin into useful colloidal entities with uniform size and shape offers exciting
opportunities for utilization; however, this endeavor requires overcoming challenges caused …
opportunities for utilization; however, this endeavor requires overcoming challenges caused …
Fabrication of magnetic lignosulfonate using ultrasonic-assisted in situ synthesis for efficient removal of Cr (Ⅵ) and Rhodamine B from wastewater
J Geng, F Gu, J Chang - Journal of hazardous materials, 2019 - Elsevier
A novel and eco-friendly one-step approach has been developed to fabricate magnetic
lignosulfonate (MLS) with high performance in wastewater treatment. The obtained MLS was …
lignosulfonate (MLS) with high performance in wastewater treatment. The obtained MLS was …