How to train your robot with deep reinforcement learning: lessons we have learned
Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as a promising approach for autonomously
acquiring complex behaviors from low-level sensor observations. Although a large portion of …
acquiring complex behaviors from low-level sensor observations. Although a large portion of …
A social path to human-like artificial intelligence
Traditionally, cognitive and computer scientists have viewed intelligence solipsistically, as a
property of unitary agents devoid of social context. Given the success of contemporary …
property of unitary agents devoid of social context. Given the success of contemporary …
Meta-world: A benchmark and evaluation for multi-task and meta reinforcement learning
Meta-reinforcement learning algorithms can enable robots to acquire new skills much more
quickly, by leveraging prior experience to learn how to learn. However, much of the current …
quickly, by leveraging prior experience to learn how to learn. However, much of the current …
Gradient surgery for multi-task learning
While deep learning and deep reinforcement learning (RL) systems have demonstrated
impressive results in domains such as image classification, game playing, and robotic …
impressive results in domains such as image classification, game playing, and robotic …
Mt-opt: Continuous multi-task robotic reinforcement learning at scale
General-purpose robotic systems must master a large repertoire of diverse skills to be useful
in a range of daily tasks. While reinforcement learning provides a powerful framework for …
in a range of daily tasks. While reinforcement learning provides a powerful framework for …
Benchmarking model-based reinforcement learning
Model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) is widely seen as having the potential to be
significantly more sample efficient than model-free RL. However, research in model-based …
significantly more sample efficient than model-free RL. However, research in model-based …
Multi-task learning as a bargaining game
In Multi-task learning (MTL), a joint model is trained to simultaneously make predictions for
several tasks. Joint training reduces computation costs and improves data efficiency; …
several tasks. Joint training reduces computation costs and improves data efficiency; …
Constrained reinforcement learning has zero duality gap
Autonomous agents must often deal with conflicting requirements, such as completing tasks
using the least amount of time/energy, learning multiple tasks, or dealing with multiple …
using the least amount of time/energy, learning multiple tasks, or dealing with multiple …
Continual world: A robotic benchmark for continual reinforcement learning
Abstract Continual learning (CL)---the ability to continuously learn, building on previously
acquired knowledge---is a natural requirement for long-lived autonomous reinforcement …
acquired knowledge---is a natural requirement for long-lived autonomous reinforcement …
Conservative data sharing for multi-task offline reinforcement learning
Offline reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have shown promising results in domains
where abundant pre-collected data is available. However, prior methods focus on solving …
where abundant pre-collected data is available. However, prior methods focus on solving …