Looking 'beyond the factory gates': Towards more pluralist and radical approaches to intraorganizational trust research
The aim of this paper is to suggest new avenues for trust research by critiquing the extant
literature on this topic. We analyse the most influential research on intraorganizational trust …
literature on this topic. We analyse the most influential research on intraorganizational trust …
Trust building through discursive leadership: A communicative engagement perspective in higher education management
This paper focuses on trust building as an organizational phenomenon, more specifically,
trust building through discursive leadership from the perspective of communicative …
trust building through discursive leadership from the perspective of communicative …
[PDF][PDF] Pay satisfaction and organizational trust: An importance performance map analysis
GCW Gim, WS Cheah - Journal of Applied Structural …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Using social exchange theory and equity theory, this paper examined the relationship
between the four dimensions of pay satisfaction and organisational trust among Malaysian …
between the four dimensions of pay satisfaction and organisational trust among Malaysian …
Turnover intentions in the STEM fields: The role of departmental factors
KL Minnotte, DE Pedersen - Innovative Higher Education, 2021 - Springer
The underrepresentation of women faculty in the STEM fields (Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics) remains a persistent feature of academia, with turnover …
Engineering, and Mathematics) remains a persistent feature of academia, with turnover …
Exploring intervening influence of interactional justice between procedural justice and job performance: evidence from south asian countries
M Ashraf, J Vveinhardt, RR Ahmed, D Streimikiene… - Amfiteatru …, 2018 - ceeol.com
The paper investigates the intervening influence of interactional justice between procedural
justice and job performance (task, contextual and adaptive performance) of the faculty …
justice and job performance (task, contextual and adaptive performance) of the faculty …
Judge discourse moves that enact and endanger procedural justice
K Tracy, D Hodge - Discourse & Society, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
In this article we identify discourse moves in small claims court that have the potential to
affect procedural justice–the sense that a litigant has been treated fairly and respectfully. We …
affect procedural justice–the sense that a litigant has been treated fairly and respectfully. We …
The time for transition: Future trust research
PP Li - Journal of Trust Research, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
After publishing six volumes in the past six years, we now have the first issue of the 7th
volume of Journal of Trust Research (JTR)! In the past six years, we have published 6 …
volume of Journal of Trust Research (JTR)! In the past six years, we have published 6 …
Confluent trust, accountability, procedural justice, British credit unions and regulatory reform after the global financial crisis
B Lee, J Brierley - International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose The relationship between trust, accountability and procedural justice is studied via
research into British credit unions (CUs) following regulatory reform to remedy problems …
research into British credit unions (CUs) following regulatory reform to remedy problems …
Gender Differences in Faculty Experience with Start-Up Packages: A Case Study from a Public University in the Southeastern US
Start-up packages are a tool for a successful transition to an academic career. This
institutional case study examined the faculty experience with start-up packages at one public …
institutional case study examined the faculty experience with start-up packages at one public …
The shaking nest of trust: A case study of funding reform in a higher education organization
The purpose of the current paper is to examine the development in the nature of followers'
trust in the leader during funding reform oriented organisational changes in a higher …
trust in the leader during funding reform oriented organisational changes in a higher …