Milankovitch theory and monsoon

H Cheng, H Li, L Sha, A Sinha, Z Shi, Q Yin, Z Lu… - The Innovation, 2022 -
The widely accepted" Milankovitch theory" explains insolation-induced waxing and waning
of the ice sheets and their effect on the global climate on orbital timescales. In the past half …

Mechanisms of abrupt climate change of the last glacial period

AC Clement, LC Peterson - Reviews of Geophysics, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
More than a decade ago, ice core records from Greenland revealed that the last glacial
period was characterized by abrupt climate changes that recurred on millennial time scales …

Interbasin and interhemispheric impacts of a collapsed Atlantic Overturning Circulation

B Orihuela-Pinto, MH England, AS Taschetto - Nature Climate Change, 2022 -
Climate projections suggest a weakening or collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning
Circulation (AMOC) under global warming, with evidence that a slowdown is already …

Links between tropical rainfall and North Atlantic climate during the last glacial period

G Deplazes, A Lückge, LC Peterson… - Nature …, 2013 -
During the last glacial period, the North Atlantic regionexperienced pronounced, millennial-
scale alternations between cold, stadial conditions and milder interstadial conditions …

Deepwater formation in the North Pacific during the last glacial termination

Y Okazaki, A Timmermann, L Menviel, N Harada… - Science, 2010 -
Between~ 17,500 and 15,000 years ago, the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation
weakened substantially in response to meltwater discharges from disintegrating Northern …

An ice–climate oscillatory framework for Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles

LC Menviel, LC Skinner, L Tarasov… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2020 -
Intermediate glacial states were characterized by large temperature changes in Greenland
and the North Atlantic, referred to as Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) variability, with some …

Weakening and strengthening of the Indian monsoon during Heinrich events and Dansgaard‐Oeschger oscillations

G Deplazes, A Lückge, JBW Stuut, J Pätzold… - …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Dansgaard‐Oeschger oscillations and Heinrich events described in North
Atlantic sediments and Greenland ice are expressed in the climate of the tropics, for …

Coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean dynamics during Heinrich Stadial 2

X Dong, G Kathayat, SO Rasmussen… - Nature …, 2022 -
Our understanding of climate dynamics during millennial-scale events is incomplete,
partially due to the lack of their precise phase analyses under various boundary conditions …

Deep water formation in the North Pacific and deglacial CO2 rise

JWB Rae, M Sarnthein, GL Foster… - …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Deep water formation in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean is widely thought to
influence deglacial CO2 rise and climate change; here we suggest that deep water …

Multidecadal covariability of North Atlantic sea surface temperature, African dust, Sahel rainfall, and Atlantic hurricanes

C Wang, S Dong, AT Evan, GR Foltz… - Journal of …, 2012 -
Most studies of African dust and North Atlantic climate have been limited to the short time
period since the satellite era (1980 onward), precluding the examination of their relationship …