[КНИГА][B] Isochronous systems

F Calogero - 2008 - books.google.com
A dynamical system is called isochronous if it features in its phase space an open, fully-
dimensional region where all its solutions are periodic in all its degrees of freedom with the …

Quasi-periodic solutions of the Kaup–Kupershmidt hierarchy

X Geng, L Wu, G He - Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2013 - Springer
Based on solving the Lenard recursion equations and the zero-curvature equation, we
derive the Kaup–Kupershmidt hierarchy associated with a 3× 3 matrix spectral problem …

Periodic solutions of a many-rotator problem in the plane. II. Analysis of various motions

F Calogero, JP Françoise… - Journal of Nonlinear …, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
Various solutions are displayed and analyzed (both analytically and numerically) of a
recently-introduced many-body problem in the plane which includes both integrable and …

Periodic motions galore: how to modify nonlinear evolution equations so that they feature a lot of periodic solutions

F Calogero, JP Françoise - Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical …, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Periodic Motions Galore: How to Modify Nonlinear Evolution Equations so that They Feature a Lot
of Periodic Solutions Page 1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Volume 9, Number 1 …

Nonlinear harmonic oscillators

F Calogero, VI Inozemtsev - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical …, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
The existence is noted of assemblies of an arbitrary number of complex oscillators, or
equivalently, of an arbitrary even number of real oscillators, characterized by Newtonian …

A complex deformation ofthe classical gravitational many-body problem that features many completely periodic motions

F Calogero - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
A complex deformation of the Newtonian equations of motion of the classical gravitational
many-body problem is introduced, namely a many-body problem that features a parameter …

The Painlevé property for quasihomogenous systems and a many-body problem in the plane

A Guillot - Communications in mathematical physics, 2005 - Springer
We investigate a many-body problem in the plane introduced by Calogero and intensively
studied by Calogero, Françoise and Sommacal. An ad hoc complexification transforms the …

Partially superintegrable (indeed isochronous) systems are not rare

F Calogero - New trends in integrability and partial solvability, 2004 - Springer
We call partially superintegrable (indeed isochronous) those dynamical systems all
solutions of which are completely periodic with a fixed period (“isochronous”) in a part of …

Solvable three-body problem and Painlevé conjectures

F Calogero - Theoretical and mathematical physics, 2002 - Springer
For a special choice of the three interparticle coupling constants in the three-body version of
a many-body problem in the plane that was recently investigated, the general solution of the …

Isochronous and partially isochronous Hamiltonian systems are not rare

F Calogero, F Leyvraz - Journal of mathematical physics, 2006 - pubs.aip.org
A technique is provided that allows to associate to a Hamiltonian another, ω-modified,
Hamiltonian, which reduces to the original one when the parameter ω vanishes, and for ω> …