[HTML][HTML] On the Diophantine Equation z(n) = (2 − 1/k)n Involving the Order of Appearance in the Fibonacci Sequence

E Trojovská - Mathematics, 2020 - mdpi.com
Let (F n) n≥ 0 be the sequence of the Fibonacci numbers. The order (or rank) of
appearance z (n) of a positive integer n is defined as the smallest positive integer m such …

[PDF][PDF] On the exponential Diophantine equation px− 2y= z2 with p= k2+ 4 a prime number

M Buosi, A Lemos, ALP Porto… - Palestine Journal of …, 2022 - pjm.ppu.edu
We are interested in finding non-trivial non-negative integer solutions for the Diophantine
equation px− 2y= z2, where p= k2+ 4 is a prime number and k≥ 1. We show that all the non …

[HTML][HTML] On Diophantine equations related to order of appearance in Fibonacci sequence

P Trojovský - Mathematics, 2019 - mdpi.com
Let F n be the n th Fibonacci number. Order of appearance z (n) of a natural number n is
defined as smallest natural number k, such that n divides F k. In 1930, Lehmer proved that …

[HTML][HTML] On periodic points of the order of appearance in the Fibonacci sequence

E Trojovska - Mathematics, 2020 - mdpi.com
Let (F n) n≥ 0 be the Fibonacci sequence. The order of appearance z (n) of an integer n≥ 1
is defined by z (n)= min {k≥ 1: n∣ F k}. Marques, and Somer and Křížek proved that all fixed …

On Diophantine equations involving Lucas sequences

P Trojovský - Open Mathematics, 2019 - degruyter.com
On Diophantine equations involving Lucas sequences Skip to content Should you have
institutional access? Here's how to get it ... De Gruyter € EUR - Euro £ GBP - Pound $ USD …

[PDF][PDF] Universal computing machine for number genetics in the Proportiones Perfectus theory

L Mamombe - Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer … - academia.edu
The proportiones perfectus law states that= is a proportione perfectus if 1≤≤ such that for
an arbitrary positive integer ℎ, there exists an integer sequence defined simultaneously by …

The p-adic order of some fibonomial coefficients whose entries are powers of p

P Trojovský - p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 2017 - Springer
Let (F n) n≥ 0 be the Fibonacci sequence. For 1≤ k≤ m, the Fibonomial coefficient is
defined as\left= F_ m-k+ 1 ⋯ F_ m-1 F_m F_1 ⋯ F_k mk F= F m− k+ 1⋯ F m− 1 F m F 1⋯ F k …

On Two Problems Related to Divisibility Properties of z(n)

P Trojovský - Mathematics, 2021 - mdpi.com
The order of appearance (in the Fibonacci sequence) function z: Z≥ 1→ Z≥ 1 is an
arithmetic function defined for a positive integer n as z (n)= min {k≥ 1: F k≡ 0 (mod n)}. A …

Universidad de Cauca Fecha: Viernes 6 de diciembre de 2024 Hora: 16: 30 hrs Lugar: Universidad de Valparaıso

M Romero - seminarioaritmeticaygeometria …
Martha Romero Universidad de Cauca Fecha: Viernes 6 de diciembre de 2024 Hora: 16:30
hrs Lugar: Universidad de Valparaıso Sala Page 1 Martha Romero Universidad de Cauca …

On Fixed Points of Iterations Between the Order of Appearance and the Euler Totient Function

Š Hubálovský, E Trojovská - Mathematics, 2020 - mdpi.com
Let F n be the n th Fibonacci number. The order of appearance z (n) of a natural number n is
defined as the smallest positive integer k such that F k≡ 0 (mod n). In this paper, we shall …