[HTML][HTML] Assessment of managed aquifer recharge through modeling—A review
J Ringleb, J Sallwey, C Stefan - Water, 2016 - mdpi.com
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is the purposeful recharge of an aquifer for later recovery
or environmental benefits and represents a valuable method for sustainable water resources …
or environmental benefits and represents a valuable method for sustainable water resources …
A review of seawater intrusion and its management in Australia
AD Werner - Hydrogeology journal, 2010 - search.proquest.com
Extended periods of below-average rainfall combined with a rising population density in the
Australian coastal margin have led to higher stresses on coastal water resources, and the …
Australian coastal margin have led to higher stresses on coastal water resources, and the …
[CARTE][B] Anthropogenic aquifer recharge and water quality
RG Maliva, RG Maliva - 2020 - Springer
The composition of recharge water evolves as it passes through the unsaturated zone and
enters and flows through an aquifer. Infiltrated and injected waters interact with aquifer …
enters and flows through an aquifer. Infiltrated and injected waters interact with aquifer …
Effects of beach nourishment on seawater intrusion in layered heterogeneous aquifers
Beach nourishment is a widespread coastal management technique, which can not only
counteract coastal erosion, but also changes coastal groundwater dynamics. Understanding …
counteract coastal erosion, but also changes coastal groundwater dynamics. Understanding …
Integrated assessment of lateral flow, density effects and dispersion in aquifer storage and recovery
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) involves the injection of freshwater into an aquifer for
later recovery and use. This paper investigates three major factors leading to reduction in …
later recovery and use. This paper investigates three major factors leading to reduction in …
Impacts of heterogeneity on aquifer storage and recovery in saline aquifers
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) involves the injection, and later extraction, of freshwater
into aquifers, which often contain saline groundwater. Mixing between the fresh injectant …
into aquifers, which often contain saline groundwater. Mixing between the fresh injectant …
The impact of aquifer stratification on saltwater intrusion characteristics. Comprehensive laboratory and numerical study
Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations were utilized in this study to assess the
impact of aquifer stratification on saltwater intrusion. Three homogeneous and six layered …
impact of aquifer stratification on saltwater intrusion. Three homogeneous and six layered …
Improved characterization of heterogeneous permeability in saline aquifers from transient pressure data during freshwater injection
Managing recharge of freshwater into saline aquifers requires accurate estimation of the
heterogeneous permeability field for maximizing injection and recovery efficiency. Here we …
heterogeneous permeability field for maximizing injection and recovery efficiency. Here we …
[PDF][PDF] Radial Dupuit interface flow to assess the aquifer storage and recovery potential of saltwater aquifers
M Bakker - Hydrogeology Journal, 2010 - core.ac.uk
A new accurate numerical solution is presented for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR)
systems in coastal aquifers; flow is approximated as radial Dupuit interface flow. The radial …
systems in coastal aquifers; flow is approximated as radial Dupuit interface flow. The radial …
Arsenic mobilization and attenuation by mineral–water interactions: implications for managed aquifer recharge
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) has potential for addressing deficits in water supplies
worldwide. It is also widely used for preventing saltwater intrusion, maintaining the …
worldwide. It is also widely used for preventing saltwater intrusion, maintaining the …