[BOK][B] 21st century monetary policy: The Federal Reserve from the great inflation to COVID-19
BS Bernanke - 2022 - books.google.com
21st Century Monetary Policy takes readers inside the Federal Reserve, explaining what it
does and why. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve deployed an …
does and why. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve deployed an …
Will macroprudential policy counteract monetary policy's effects on financial stability?
How does monetary policy impact upon macroprudential regulation? This paper models
monetary policy's transmission to bank risk, and its interaction with a regulator's optimization …
monetary policy's transmission to bank risk, and its interaction with a regulator's optimization …
Excessive bank risk taking and monetary policy
I Agur, M Demertzis - 2012 - econstor.eu
Why should monetary policy" lean against the wind"? Can't bank regulation perform its task
alone? We model banks that choose both asset volatility and leverage, and identify how …
alone? We model banks that choose both asset volatility and leverage, and identify how …
Assessment of the effectiveness of the macroprudential measures implemented in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
In this paper, we assess the effectiveness of the macroprudential capital buffers' release on
loans granted to households, implemented in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Using …
loans granted to households, implemented in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Using …
Central banks' preferences and banking sector vulnerability
According to “Schwartz's conventional wisdom” and what has been called “divine
coincidence”, price stability should imply macroeconomic and financial stability. However, in …
coincidence”, price stability should imply macroeconomic and financial stability. However, in …
Renewed momentum in the German housing market: boom or bubble?
X Chen, M Funke - 2013 - papers.ssrn.com
The renewed momentum in the German housing market has led to concerns that Germany is
vulnerable to asset price shocks. In this paper, we apply recently developed recursive unit …
vulnerable to asset price shocks. In this paper, we apply recently developed recursive unit …
Optimal versus realized bank credit risk and monetary policy
Standard banking theory suggests that there exists an optimal level of credit risk that yields
maximum bank profit. We identify the optimal level of risk-weighted assets that maximizes …
maximum bank profit. We identify the optimal level of risk-weighted assets that maximizes …
Measuring Currency Risk Premium: The Case of Turkey
This study examines the determinants of a change in currency expectations for the Turkish
Lira (TL) versus the US dollar with different maturities (1 month, 3 months and 1 year). The …
Lira (TL) versus the US dollar with different maturities (1 month, 3 months and 1 year). The …
Collateralized borrowing and risk taking at low interest rates
Empirical evidence suggests financial intermediaries increase risky investments when
interest rates are low. We develop a model consistent with this observation and ask whether …
interest rates are low. We develop a model consistent with this observation and ask whether …
Monetary and macroprudential policy coordination among multiple equilibria
I Agur - Journal of International Money and Finance, 2019 - Elsevier
The notion of a tradeoff between output and financial stabilization is based on monetary-
macroprudential models with unique equilibria. Using a game theory setup, this paper …
macroprudential models with unique equilibria. Using a game theory setup, this paper …