Destination branding and overtourism
Conclusion This Research Note argues that branding is not the only reason for overtourism.
That said, branding plays a significant role in overtourism as it contributes to encourage …
That said, branding plays a significant role in overtourism as it contributes to encourage …
Dimensions of the health benefits of wellness tourism: A review
The benefits of wellness tourism have been recently noted by researchers and industry
representatives. This study examined the health dimensions of these benefits posited by a …
representatives. This study examined the health dimensions of these benefits posited by a …
Perceived social impacts of tourism and quality-of-life: A new conceptual model
H Ramkissoon - Journal of sustainable tourism, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Residents' overall well-being and quality-of-life require a deeper understanding of their
perceived social impacts of tourism to determine appropriate management strategies to …
perceived social impacts of tourism to determine appropriate management strategies to …
The dynamic links among energy consumption, tourism growth, and the ecological footprint: the role of environmental quality in 38 IEA countries
We examine the impact of energy consumption and tourism growth on the ecological
footprints and economic growth of 38 International Energy Agency (IEA) countries, as …
footprints and economic growth of 38 International Energy Agency (IEA) countries, as …
Effect of tourism on environmental pollution: Further evidence from Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand
An increasing number of studies reveal that tourism industry makes a substantial
contribution towards socioeconomic growth and development of tourism led economies …
contribution towards socioeconomic growth and development of tourism led economies …
Tourism specialization, economic growth, human development and transition economies: The case of Poland
This study examines the relationship between tourism specialization economic growth, and
human development in a transition economy. It proffers a conceptual link between tourism …
human development in a transition economy. It proffers a conceptual link between tourism …
Extending tourism competitiveness to human development
This study presents the Tourism Competitiveness Theory Hypothesis, anchored on a
dynamic framework, and unifying the competitiveness theory with human development. The …
dynamic framework, and unifying the competitiveness theory with human development. The …
The impact of spatial-temporal variation on tourist destination resident quality of life
L Su, X Yang, SR Swanson - Tourism Management, 2022 - Elsevier
This research examines the change patterns of tourist destination residents' material, non-
material, and overall quality of life across the different stages of the tourism area life cycle …
material, and overall quality of life across the different stages of the tourism area life cycle …
Entrepreneurship in island contexts: A systematic review of the tourism and hospitality literature
Entrepreneurship is vital to the success of tourism and hospitality and the sector makes an
important contribution to many island economies. Despite this, far too little attention has …
important contribution to many island economies. Despite this, far too little attention has …
Designing for quality of life
There has been substantial interest in examining the connection between tourism as a
socioeconomic force and quality of life. Similarly, designing places as smart destinations to …
socioeconomic force and quality of life. Similarly, designing places as smart destinations to …