Taxonomic revision of the dolphin genus Lagenorhynchus
NL Vollmer, E Ashe, RL Brownell Jr… - Marine Mammal …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Evolutionary relationships among cetaceans within the family Delphinidae have been
difficult to resolve due to the high number of species and their relatively rapid radiation. This …
difficult to resolve due to the high number of species and their relatively rapid radiation. This …
Cause-specific temporal and spatial trends in green sea turtle strandings in the Hawaiian Archipelago (1982–2003)
M Chaloupka, TM Work, GH Balazs, SKK Murakawa… - Marine Biology, 2008 - Springer
We investigated cause-specific temporal and spatial trends in sea turtle strandings in the
Hawaiian Archipelago. Five species of sea turtle were recorded in 3,861 strandings over a …
Hawaiian Archipelago. Five species of sea turtle were recorded in 3,861 strandings over a …
An overview of cetacean stranding around Hainan Island in the South China Sea, 1978–2016: Implications for research, conservation and management
Abstract The South China Sea (SCS) is known to support diverse cetacean species, yet their
stranding information has not been well documented. To fill this knowledge gap, available …
stranding information has not been well documented. To fill this knowledge gap, available …
Genetic identification of Anisakis larvae in European hake from Atlantic and Mediterranean waters for stock recognition
S Mattiucci, P Abaunza, L Ramadori… - Journal of Fish …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
The occurrence of seven species of the larval parasitic nematode Anisakis, which can be
used as a biological tag for hake Merluccius merluccius stocks throughout their …
used as a biological tag for hake Merluccius merluccius stocks throughout their …
Anisakis spp. larvae (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from Atlantic horse mackerel: Their genetic identification and use as biological tags for host stock characterization
S Mattiucci, V Farina, N Campbell, K MacKenzie… - Fisheries …, 2008 - Elsevier
In the present study, data are reported on the use of Anisakis spp. larvae, genetically
identified to species level, for stock identification of Atlantic horse mackerel, Trachurus …
identified to species level, for stock identification of Atlantic horse mackerel, Trachurus …
Interactions between air-breathing marine megafauna and artisanal fisheries in Southern Iberian Atlantic waters: results from an interview survey to fishers
S Alexandre, A Marçalo, TA Marques, A Pires… - Fisheries …, 2022 - Elsevier
The coastal waters off Western Iberia are an important fishing ground and a marine
megafauna foraging area. Overlap between fishery target species and the diet of several air …
megafauna foraging area. Overlap between fishery target species and the diet of several air …
Fishery gear interactions from stranded bottlenose dolphins, Florida manatees and sea turtles in Florida, USA
NM Adimey, CA Hudak, JR Powell, K Bassos-Hull… - Marine Pollution …, 2014 - Elsevier
Documenting the extent of fishery gear interactions is critical to wildlife conservation efforts,
especially for reducing entanglements and ingestion. This study summarizes fishery gear …
especially for reducing entanglements and ingestion. This study summarizes fishery gear …
Cetacean–fishery interactions in Galicia (NW Spain): results and management implications of a face-to-face interview survey of local fishers
Galicia (NW Spain) is an important fishing region with a high potential for cetacean–fishery
interactions. Cetacean depredation on catch and damage to fishing gear can potentially …
interactions. Cetacean depredation on catch and damage to fishing gear can potentially …
Stable isotope analysis in two sympatric populations of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus: evidence of resource partitioning?
R Fernández, S García-Tiscar, M Begoña Santos… - Marine Biology, 2011 - Springer
Skin and muscle from 43 bottlenose dolphins (38 juveniles/adults, 5 calves) stranded in NW
Spain were analysed to determine whether stable isotope ratios (δ 13 C and δ 15 N) could …
Spain were analysed to determine whether stable isotope ratios (δ 13 C and δ 15 N) could …
Variability in the diet of bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, in Galician waters, north-western Spain, 1990–2005
We describe the diet of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in Galician waters, north-
western Spain, based on 82 non-empty stomachs recovered and analysed from stranded …
western Spain, based on 82 non-empty stomachs recovered and analysed from stranded …