Cross-cultural perspective on sustainable consumption: Implications for consumer motivations and promotion
Firms in the past have based their marketing and promotion strategies on the assumption of
infinite resources and zero environmental impact. With the growing importance of …
infinite resources and zero environmental impact. With the growing importance of …
Effects of nurse managers' inclusive leadership on nurses' psychological safety and innovative work behavior: The moderating role of collectivism
Introduction In the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the capacity to foster innovative
work behavior among nurses is increasingly important. This study examined the dynamics …
work behavior among nurses is increasingly important. This study examined the dynamics …
Understanding the consequences of workplace incivility: the roles of emotional exhaustion, acceptability and political skill
Purpose Workplace incivility is a common deviant behavior happening in organizational
contexts, and it can have serious negative consequences such as decreasing employees' …
contexts, and it can have serious negative consequences such as decreasing employees' …
Compliance and self-reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-cultural study of trust and self-conscious emotions in the United States, Italy, and South Korea
The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented health crisis. Many governments
around the world have responded by implementing lockdown measures of various degrees …
around the world have responded by implementing lockdown measures of various degrees …
A multidimensional approach to the relationship between individualism-collectivism and guilt and shame.
Guilt and shame proneness are commonly thought to be associated with culture, yet
research on this relationship is fragmented and often inconsistent. In a review of the existing …
research on this relationship is fragmented and often inconsistent. In a review of the existing …
Cultural orientation and knowledge: the effects on the Hispanic American whistleblower
Purpose This study aims to analyze the relationships between cultural orientation and
normative knowledge, in a direct and moderate way, on the whistleblowing intentions of …
normative knowledge, in a direct and moderate way, on the whistleblowing intentions of …
Stuttering experience of people in China: A cross-cultural perspective
Purpose This study uses the Simplified Chinese version of the Overall Assessment of the
Speaker's Experience of Stuttering for Adults (OASES-A-SC) to examine the stuttering …
Speaker's Experience of Stuttering for Adults (OASES-A-SC) to examine the stuttering …
Individualism, collectivism, and emotion regulation: A cross-cultural examination among young adults from seven countries
Individualism and collectivism are dimensions of cultural variation thought to shape
differences in emotion regulation tendencies, yet research to date has examined these …
differences in emotion regulation tendencies, yet research to date has examined these …
Conspicuous consumption in emerging markets: The case of Starbucks in Colombia as a global and sustainable brand
Conspicuous consumption symbolizes ostentatious and material consumption through the
purchase of products and services with a higher economic value and that allows their …
purchase of products and services with a higher economic value and that allows their …
Cultural influences on normative reactions to incivility: comparing individuals from South Korea and Spain
Purpose Antecedents and influences of workplace incivility have recently been studied in
many areas of research but there is still a lack of consideration for the impact of culture …
many areas of research but there is still a lack of consideration for the impact of culture …