Bivalve omics: State of the art and potential applications for the biomonitoring of harmful marine compounds
The extraordinary progress experienced by sequencing technologies and bioinformatics has
made the development of omic studies virtually ubiquitous in all fields of life sciences …
made the development of omic studies virtually ubiquitous in all fields of life sciences …
Investigating the Bivalve Tree of Life–an exemplar-based approach combining molecular and novel morphological characters
To re-evaluate the relationships of the major bivalve lineages, we amassed detailed morpho-
anatomical, ultrastructural and molecular sequence data for a targeted selection of exemplar …
anatomical, ultrastructural and molecular sequence data for a targeted selection of exemplar …
Ontogeny of bivalve immunity: assessing the potential of next‐generation sequencing techniques
Living organisms are constantly evolving to secure their survival via adaptations at the
molecular and cellular level. Most marine bivalves have microscopic planktonic larval stages …
molecular and cellular level. Most marine bivalves have microscopic planktonic larval stages …
De novo transcriptome analysis of Perna viridis highlights tissue-specific patterns for environmental studies
Background The tropical green-lipped mussel Perna viridis is a common biomonitor
throughout the Indo-Pacific region that is used for environmental monitoring and …
throughout the Indo-Pacific region that is used for environmental monitoring and …
Transcriptomic analysis of candidate osmoregulatory genes in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica
Abstract Background The eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, is a euryhaline species that
can thrive across a wide range of salinities (5-35). As with all estuarine species, individual …
can thrive across a wide range of salinities (5-35). As with all estuarine species, individual …
Omics approaches for conservation biology research on the bivalve Chamelea gallina
The striped venus (Chamelea gallina) is an important economic resource in the
Mediterranean Basin; this species has exhibited a strong quantitative decline in the Adriatic …
Mediterranean Basin; this species has exhibited a strong quantitative decline in the Adriatic …
Development of Molecular Resources for an Intertidal Clam, Sinonovacula constricta, Using 454 Transcriptome Sequencing
Background The razor clam Sinonovacula constricta is a benthic intertidal bivalve species
with important commercial value. Despite its economic importance, knowledge of its …
with important commercial value. Despite its economic importance, knowledge of its …
De novo assembly and characterization of foot transcriptome and microsatellite marker development for Paphia textile
X Chen, J Li, S **ao, X Liu - Gene, 2016 - Elsevier
Paphia textile is an important, aquaculture bivalve clam species distributed mainly in China,
Philippines, and Malaysia. Recent studies of P. textile have focused mainly on artificial …
Philippines, and Malaysia. Recent studies of P. textile have focused mainly on artificial …
mRNA-Seq and microarray development for the Grooved carpet shell clam, Ruditapes decussatus: a functional approach to unravel host -parasite interaction
Abstract Background The Grooved Carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus is the
autochthonous European clam and the most appreciated from a gastronomic and economic …
autochthonous European clam and the most appreciated from a gastronomic and economic …
[HTML][HTML] Genomic approaches in marine biodiversity and aquaculture
JA Huete-Pérez, F Quezada - Biological research, 2013 - SciELO Chile
Recent advances in genomic and post-genomic technologies have now established the new
standard in medical and biotechnological research. The introduction of next-generation …
standard in medical and biotechnological research. The introduction of next-generation …