[BOK][B] Hon, han och hemmet
E Magnusson - 2010 - books.google.com
En daglig kamp om vem som ska göra vad eller något som faller sig naturligt? Jovisst, den
här boken handlar om kvinnor, män och hemarbete. Sysslorna som måste utföras för att …
här boken handlar om kvinnor, män och hemarbete. Sysslorna som måste utföras för att …
Vardagens könsinnebörder under förhandling: om arbete, familj och produktion av kvinnlighet
E Magnusson - 1998 - diva-portal.org
The subject of this study was Swedish women's experiences of their everyday lives as lived
between the demands of work and family. Twenty female civil servants were interviewed six …
between the demands of work and family. Twenty female civil servants were interviewed six …
Technovisions of a Sámi cyborg: Reclaiming Sámi body-, land-, and waterscapes after a century of colonial exploitations in Sábme
MB Öhman - Illdisciplined Gender: Engaging Questions of Nature …, 2016 - Springer
I had reached the age of 42 when I was told that I am Sámi, of the indigenous people of
Fenno-Scandia. This article draws on my personal experiences and insights since the day I …
Fenno-Scandia. This article draws on my personal experiences and insights since the day I …
Bringing gender issues to technology design
T Bratteteig - Feminist challenges in the information age: Information …, 2002 - Springer
This chapter discusses gender issues in design of information technology: are there gender
issues, and what could they be? It is relatively easy to apply a gender perspective to the …
issues, and what could they be? It is relatively easy to apply a gender perspective to the …
Being-with Information Technology: Critical explorations beyond use and design
A Croon Fors - 2006 - diva-portal.org
In the thesis a theoretical exploration concerning the significance of information technology
in everyday life is conducted. The main question advanced is how the reflexive nature of …
in everyday life is conducted. The main question advanced is how the reflexive nature of …
Attaching People and Technology: between e and government
The Swedish public sector is involved in an overwhelming change process aiming towards
creating a good-service society based on information technology. Rationalisation, efficiency …
creating a good-service society based on information technology. Rationalisation, efficiency …
Information technology, archives and archivists: an interacting trinity for long-term digital preservation
M Runardotter - 2007 - diva-portal.org
This thesis revolves around archivists' current situation, and the fact that information
technologies nowadays are tools that creates digital official documents which must be …
technologies nowadays are tools that creates digital official documents which must be …
Design of digital democracies: performances of citizenship, gender and IT
The point of departure for this article is several Swedish IT policies that articulate goals for
further development of the welfare state, which demand and enable active citizenship as …
further development of the welfare state, which demand and enable active citizenship as …
'But that is a systems solution to me'–negotiations in IT design
In this paper we argue that it is not self-evident how 'requirements' are defined, but that
'requirements' are enacted differently by differently situated actors, and that this has …
'requirements' are enacted differently by differently situated actors, and that this has …
Illusionernas harmoni: Samhällsplanerandets tankestil och dess kraftfullaste topos: diskrepansförnekandet
S Nordström - 2008 - diva-portal.org
Abstract Nordström, Susanne, 2008. Illusionernas harmoni. Samhällsplanerandets tankestil
och dess kraftfullaste topos: diskrepansförnekandet.[Harmony of Illusions. The thought-style …
och dess kraftfullaste topos: diskrepansförnekandet.[Harmony of Illusions. The thought-style …