Classification of topological quantum matter with symmetries

CK Chiu, JCY Teo, AP Schnyder, S Ryu - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2016 - APS
Topological materials have become the focus of intense research in recent years, since they
exhibit fundamentally new physical phenomena with potential applications for novel devices …

Photonics meets topology

BY **e, HF Wang, XY Zhu, MH Lu, ZD Wang… - Optics …, 2018 -
The topological phases in materials have been studied in recent decades for their unique
boundary states and transport properties. Photonic systems with band structures embrace …

All topological bands of all nonmagnetic stoichiometric materials

MG Vergniory, BJ Wieder, L Elcoro, SSP Parkin… - Science, 2022 -
Topological quantum chemistry and symmetry-based indicators have facilitated large-scale
searches for materials with topological properties at the Fermi energy (EF). We report the …

Catalogue of topological electronic materials

T Zhang, Y Jiang, Z Song, H Huang, Y He, Z Fang… - Nature, 2019 -
Topological electronic materials such as bismuth selenide, tantalum arsenide and sodium
bismuthide show unconventional linear response in the bulk, as well as anomalous gapless …

Symmetry-based indicators of band topology in the 230 space groups

HC Po, A Vishwanath, H Watanabe - Nature communications, 2017 -
The interplay between symmetry and topology leads to a rich variety of electronic topological
phases, protecting states such as the topological insulators and Dirac semimetals. Previous …

Topological classification of crystalline insulators through band structure combinatorics

J Kruthoff, J De Boer, J Van Wezel, CL Kane, RJ Slager - Physical Review X, 2017 - APS
We present a method for efficiently enumerating all allowed, topologically distinct, electronic
band structures within a given crystal structure in all physically relevant dimensions. The …

Topological nodal line semimetals with and without spin-orbital coupling

C Fang, Y Chen, HY Kee, L Fu - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We theoretically study three-dimensional topological semimetals (TSMs) with nodal lines
protected by crystalline symmetries. Compared to TSMs with point nodes, eg, Weyl …

Higher-order bulk-boundary correspondence for topological crystalline phases

L Trifunovic, PW Brouwer - Physical Review X, 2019 - APS
We study the bulk-boundary correspondence for topological crystalline phases, where the
crystalline symmetry is an order-two (anti) symmetry, unitary or antiunitary. We obtain a …

Möbius Insulator and Higher-Order Topology in

RX Zhang, F Wu, S Das Sarma - Physical review letters, 2020 - APS
We propose MnBi 2 n Te 3 n+ 1 as a magnetically tunable platform for realizing various
symmetry-protected higher-order topology. Its canted antiferromagnetic phase can host …

Symmetry indicators and anomalous surface states of topological crystalline insulators

E Khalaf, HC Po, A Vishwanath, H Watanabe - Physical Review X, 2018 - APS
The rich variety of crystalline symmetries in solids leads to a plethora of topological
crystalline insulators (TCIs), featuring distinct physical properties, which are conventionally …