Understanding earnings quality: A review of the proxies, their determinants and their consequences
Researchers have used various measures as indications of “earnings quality” including
persistence, accruals, smoothness, timeliness, loss avoidance, investor responsiveness …
persistence, accruals, smoothness, timeliness, loss avoidance, investor responsiveness …
Accounting anomalies and fundamental analysis: A review of recent research advances
We survey recent research in accounting anomalies and fundamental analysis. We use
forecasting of future earnings and returns as our organizing framework and suggest a …
forecasting of future earnings and returns as our organizing framework and suggest a …
Open source cross-sectional asset pricing
AY Chen, T Zimmermann - 2021 - papers.ssrn.com
We provide data and code that successfully reproduces nearly all crosssectional stock return
predictors. Our 319 characteristics draw from previous meta-studies, but we differ by …
predictors. Our 319 characteristics draw from previous meta-studies, but we differ by …
An Augmented q-Factor Model with Expected Growth
In the investment theory, firms with high expected investment growth earn higher expected
returns than firms with low expected investment growth, holding investment and expected …
returns than firms with low expected investment growth, holding investment and expected …
Deep learning in asset pricing
We use deep neural networks to estimate an asset pricing model for individual stock returns
that takes advantage of the vast amount of conditioning information, keeps a fully flexible …
that takes advantage of the vast amount of conditioning information, keeps a fully flexible …
Replicating anomalies
Most anomalies fail to hold up to currently acceptable standards for empirical finance. With
microcaps mitigated via NYSE breakpoints and value-weighted returns, 65% of the 452 …
microcaps mitigated via NYSE breakpoints and value-weighted returns, 65% of the 452 …
Taming the factor zoo: A test of new factors
We propose a model selection method to systematically evaluate the contribution to asset
pricing of any new factor, above and beyond what a high‐dimensional set of existing factors …
pricing of any new factor, above and beyond what a high‐dimensional set of existing factors …
Accruals, cash flows, and operating profitability in the cross section of stock returns
Accruals are the non-cash component of earnings. They represent adjustments made to
cash flows to generate a profit measure largely unaffected by the timing of receipts and …
cash flows to generate a profit measure largely unaffected by the timing of receipts and …
The characteristics that provide independent information about average US monthly stock returns
We take up Cochrane's (2011) challenge to identify the firm characteristics that provide
independent information about average US monthly stock returns by simultaneously …
independent information about average US monthly stock returns by simultaneously …
The market pricing of accruals quality
J Francis, R LaFond, P Olsson, K Schipper - Journal of accounting and …, 2005 - Elsevier
We investigate whether investors price accruals quality, our proxy for the information risk
associated with earnings. Measuring accruals quality (AQ) as the standard deviation of …
associated with earnings. Measuring accruals quality (AQ) as the standard deviation of …