What if we only use real datasets for scene text recognition? toward scene text recognition with fewer labels
Scene text recognition (STR) task has a common practice: All state-of-the-art STR models
are trained on large synthetic data. In contrast to this practice, training STR models only on …
are trained on large synthetic data. In contrast to this practice, training STR models only on …
Recall@ k surrogate loss with large batches and similarity mixup
This work focuses on learning deep visual representation models for retrieval by exploring
the interplay between a new loss function, the batch size, and a new regularization …
the interplay between a new loss function, the batch size, and a new regularization …
Generalized differentiable RANSAC
We propose-RANSAC, a generalized differentiable RANSAC that allows learning the entire
randomized robust estimation pipeline. The proposed approach enables the use of …
randomized robust estimation pipeline. The proposed approach enables the use of …
Auto seg-loss: Searching metric surrogates for semantic segmentation
Designing proper loss functions is essential in training deep networks. Especially in the field
of semantic segmentation, various evaluation metrics have been proposed for diverse …
of semantic segmentation, various evaluation metrics have been proposed for diverse …
ZeroGrads: Learning Local Surrogates for Non-Differentiable Graphics
Gradient-based optimization is now ubiquitous across graphics, but unfortunately can not be
applied to problems with undefined or zero gradients. To circumvent this issue, the loss …
applied to problems with undefined or zero gradients. To circumvent this issue, the loss …
Metricopt: Learning to optimize black-box evaluation metrics
We study the problem of directly optimizing arbitrary non-differentiable task evaluation
metrics such as misclassification rate and recall. Our method, named MetricOpt, operates in …
metrics such as misclassification rate and recall. Our method, named MetricOpt, operates in …
Zero Grads Ever Given: Learning Local Surrogate Losses for Non-Differentiable Graphics
Gradient-based optimization is now ubiquitous across graphics, but unfortunately can not be
applied to problems with undefined or zero gradients. To circumvent this issue, the loss …
applied to problems with undefined or zero gradients. To circumvent this issue, the loss …
Amortized synthesis of constrained configurations using a differentiable surrogate
In design, fabrication, and control problems, we are often faced with the task of synthesis, in
which we must generate an object or configuration that satisfies a set of constraints while …
which we must generate an object or configuration that satisfies a set of constraints while …
Neural network-based acoustic vehicle counting
This paper addresses acoustic vehicle counting using one-channel audio. We predict the
pass-by instants of vehicles from local minima of clipped vehicle-to-microphone distance …
pass-by instants of vehicles from local minima of clipped vehicle-to-microphone distance …
Searching parameterized AP loss for object detection
Loss functions play an important role in training deep-network-based object detectors. The
most widely used evaluation metric for object detection is Average Precision (AP), which …
most widely used evaluation metric for object detection is Average Precision (AP), which …