[HTML][HTML] Remote sensing of coral reefs for monitoring and management: a review
JD Hedley, CM Roelfsema, I Chollett, AR Harborne… - Remote Sensing, 2016 - mdpi.com
Coral reefs are in decline worldwide and monitoring activities are important for assessing
the impact of disturbance on reefs and tracking subsequent recovery or decline. Monitoring …
the impact of disturbance on reefs and tracking subsequent recovery or decline. Monitoring …
Water column correction for coral reef studies by remote sensing
Human activity and natural climate trends constitute a major threat to coral reefs worldwide.
Models predict a significant reduction in reef spatial extension together with a decline in …
Models predict a significant reduction in reef spatial extension together with a decline in …
Remote sensing of shallow waters–A 50 year retrospective and future directions
Technical advancements have widened the limits of remote sensing in map** shallow
water benthic habitats and bathymetry over the last decades. On the other hand, the needs …
water benthic habitats and bathymetry over the last decades. On the other hand, the needs …
[HTML][HTML] Satellite derived bathymetry using machine learning and multi-temporal satellite images
T Sagawa, Y Yamashita, T Okumura, T Yamanokuchi - Remote Sensing, 2019 - mdpi.com
Shallow water bathymetry is important for nautical navigation to avoid stranding, as well as
for the scientific simulation of high tide and high waves in coastal areas. Although many …
for the scientific simulation of high tide and high waves in coastal areas. Although many …
Map** Mediterranean seagrasses with Sentinel-2 imagery
D Traganos, P Reinartz - Marine pollution bulletin, 2018 - Elsevier
Mediterranean seagrasses have been hailed for their numerous ecosystem services, yet
they are undergoing a decline in their coverage. The major complication with resolving this …
they are undergoing a decline in their coverage. The major complication with resolving this …
Satellite-derived bathymetry using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A images: assessment of atmospheric correction algorithms and depth derivation models in shallow …
Z Duan, S Chu, L Cheng, C Ji, M Li, W Shen - Optics Express, 2022 - opg.optica.org
Satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) has an extensive prospect in nearshore bathymetry for its
high efficiency and low costs. Atmospheric correction and bathymetric modeling are critical …
high efficiency and low costs. Atmospheric correction and bathymetric modeling are critical …
Risks for cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms due to land management and climate interactions
The frequency and severity of cyanobacteria harmful blooms (CyanoHABs) have been
increasing with frequent eutrophication and shifting climate paradigms. CyanoHABs …
increasing with frequent eutrophication and shifting climate paradigms. CyanoHABs …
A Bayesian approach to seafloor classification using multi-beam echo-sounder backscatter data
DG Simons, M Snellen - Applied Acoustics, 2009 - Elsevier
Seafloor classification using acoustic remote sensing techniques is an attractive approach
due to its high-coverage capabilities and limited costs. The multi-beam echo-sounder …
due to its high-coverage capabilities and limited costs. The multi-beam echo-sounder …
Integrating field data with high spatial resolution multispectral satellite imagery for calibration and validation of coral reef benthic community maps
CM Roelfsema, SR Phinn - Journal of Applied Remote …, 2010 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Our ability to map coral reef environments using remote sensing has increased through
improved access to: satellite images and field survey data at suitable spatial scales, and …
improved access to: satellite images and field survey data at suitable spatial scales, and …
Satellite-derived bathymetry combined with Sentinel-2 and ICESat-2 datasets using machine learning
Most satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) methods developed thus far from passive remote
sensing data have required in situ water depth, thus limiting their utility in areas with no in …
sensing data have required in situ water depth, thus limiting their utility in areas with no in …