[HTML][HTML] Secular change and the onset of plate tectonics on Earth
The Earth as a planetary system has experienced significant change since its formation c.
4.54 Gyr ago. Some of these changes have been gradual, such as secular cooling of the …
4.54 Gyr ago. Some of these changes have been gradual, such as secular cooling of the …
The diversity of tectonic modes and thoughts about transitions between them
A Lenardic - … Transactions of the Royal Society A …, 2018 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Plate tectonics is a particular mode of tectonic activity that characterizes the present-day
Earth. It is directly linked to not only tectonic deformation but also magmatic/volcanic activity …
Earth. It is directly linked to not only tectonic deformation but also magmatic/volcanic activity …
Direct measurement of thermal conductivity in solid iron at planetary core conditions
The conduction of heat through minerals and melts at extreme pressures and temperatures
is of central importance to the evolution and dynamics of planets. In the cooling Earth's core …
is of central importance to the evolution and dynamics of planets. In the cooling Earth's core …
The curious case of Mercury's internal structure
The recent determination of the gravity field of Mercury and new Earth‐based radar
observations of the planet's spin state afford the opportunity to explore Mercury's internal …
observations of the planet's spin state afford the opportunity to explore Mercury's internal …
MESSENGER mission overview
Abstract The MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging
(MESSENGER) spacecraft, launched on August 3, 2004, is nearing the halfway point on its …
(MESSENGER) spacecraft, launched on August 3, 2004, is nearing the halfway point on its …
Gravity field and internal structure of Mercury from MESSENGER
DE Smith, MT Zuber, RJ Phillips, SC Solomon… - science, 2012 - science.org
Radio tracking of the MESSENGER spacecraft has provided a model of Mercury's gravity
field. In the northern hemisphere, several large gravity anomalies, including candidate mass …
field. In the northern hemisphere, several large gravity anomalies, including candidate mass …
Large longitude libration of Mercury reveals a molten core
JL Margot, SJ Peale, RF Jurgens, MA Slade, IV Holin - Science, 2007 - science.org
Observations of radar speckle patterns tied to the rotation of Mercury establish that the
planet occupies a Cassini state with obliquity of 2.11±0.1 arc minutes. The measurements …
planet occupies a Cassini state with obliquity of 2.11±0.1 arc minutes. The measurements …
Radioactive elements on Mercury's surface from MESSENGER: Implications for the planet's formation and evolution
The MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer measured the average surface abundances
of the radioactive elements potassium (K, 1150±220 parts per million), thorium (Th, 220±60 …
of the radioactive elements potassium (K, 1150±220 parts per million), thorium (Th, 220±60 …
Mercury's global contraction much greater than earlier estimates
Mercury, a planet with a lithosphere that forms a single tectonic plate, is replete with tectonic
structures interpreted to be the result of planetary cooling and contraction. However, the …
structures interpreted to be the result of planetary cooling and contraction. However, the …
A deep dynamo generating Mercury's magnetic field
UR Christensen - Nature, 2006 - nature.com
Mercury has a global magnetic field of internal origin and it is thought that a dynamo
operating in the fluid part of Mercury's large iron core is the most probable cause. However …
operating in the fluid part of Mercury's large iron core is the most probable cause. However …